Tuesday, August 5, 2008

{The Kitchen}

My computer is letting me download pictures finally. Thank you all for your sweet comments yesterday. I was a little uneasy posting pictures of my own home, it's a lot easier to talk about someone else's but you all were so sweet.

Today I'm showing my kitchen. Some of you have probably seen it before when I talked about painting our cabinets here. Here is a quick picture of how they looked before.

And here they are now.....

We were lucky and got this fridge for free. I am so thankful for it, a white fridge just would not of looked good with these black cabinets.

Still would like a new stove, but it works. I'd also love to get granite counter tops someday!

Are old dishwasher broke, so I was excited to get this one that matched the fridge!

I'm having a hard time coming up with some witty to say! Umm, here's the microwave!

There is a song with the words Love grows best in Little Houses. I wish I could think of who sings it so I could put it on my blog. Anyhow, I've always loved it so I had this vinyl lettering made.

I found these little medallions at a local cute fun and darling store!

I love these pulls, I'd put a pull on everything if I could.

My dad does pottery! When I saw these bowls at their house I snatched them right up.

I have a thing for rolling pins. Someday I'd like to put a hutch here for a little more storage!

Our cute little helper!

Yes, we start them young at our house :)

Hope you enjoyed the kitchen :) See ya tomorrow for the living/family room!


Marie said...

It was your kitchen that made me fall in love with your blog. lol Scary, no? I love your "primitive" decor. I have a huge soft spot for all that is primitive and always will.

I'm glad blogger is being cooperative again! I had issues with it yesterday too!

Gettysburg Homestead said...

Fabulous kitchen!!! I LOVE your black cabinets, but you already know that. Your simple way of decorating is just right. I like the idea of being able to see the next room from the sink. Love your son "helping" If only my kids would actually help!!! LOL

Thanks for showing me around you are an awesome hostess!

Trixi said...

I am with Marie on your kitchen. It is like my dream kitchen. I love it!!! I would love to do black in mine but with it being so small it would look like a cave.LOL
I also love your style. Its seems a lot like my own. Not too modern and not prim either. Just kind of somewhere in the middle.
I love those ladder back chairs. I have never seen them with a solid bottom. I've always seen them with caning. They are great!!
Thank you for sharing your home and that little helper is tooo cute.

TinaTx said...

Your kitchen is great!
Cute little helper you have there. Mine used to like to 'help' too - until they got old enough to actually be helpful! LOL

Lisa Cobler said...

I love the black cabinets. You have a beautiful kitchen.

Rae said...

Your cabinets are spectacular! I so need to paint mine!!! I love the saying about little houses. I couldn't agree with it more!

taratoons said...

I LOVE your cabinets! I cannot believe how much it changed your kitchen. And I love your decor style. I'm jealous!
Thanks for the kitchen tour!

Something Nice and Pretty said...

OMG I'd love to do the black on mine, it looks fabulous, really changed the look of your kitchen. I have to talk Stush into this...ours are oak.
Isn't blogger wonderful:)

Sydney said...

What a great kitchen! And I love your little helper. We're still trying to finish our bathroom remodel. I hope it gets done soon so I can post a finished picture!

Kristi Rowley said...

I love the cabinets. You have given me some fun ideas! Thanks for sharing it all! Our cabinets are the 10 year old oak cabinets like in our condo on Springlane. They are drying out and need something done with them. Thanks again for the great ideas!

Kristi said...

I still love love love your black cabinets!!!

Lacy said...

Yes, I am with Marie...it was love at first sight.....of the kitchen that is........I was addicted ever since. Love the kitchen and want black cabinets so bad. Thanks for the tour!

Chris said...

Who gets a fridge for FREE?! I'm so envious!! Your kitchen is absolutely adorable. I love the little saying on the wall, the cabinets, the cabinet pulls--everything! I'm painting my bathroom cabinets black in a couple of weeks, and I hope they turn out half as nice as your kitchen!

Amber M. said...

LOVE your black cabinets. And a free fridge??? Sign me up! But my very favorite part of your kitchen? The crocks with your collection of rolling pins at the top of your cabinets. Dar-ling.

Shannon said...

I love the black cabinets and all the rolling pins!! Love it!

Megan @ Megity's Handmade said...

How have I never noticed the quote in your kitchen?? I really like it and I like the medallions you put up with it. Too fun! Again, LOVE your kitchen. Makes me want to paint mine but afraid it will make it look like a dark tunnel. And a free stainless steel fridge? Oh the jealousies.

The Beauty Bargainista said...

WOW! I am loving all of your rooms, but the kitchen is fab!! I have been wanting to paint my kitchen cabinets black for the longest time, maybe in the new house, I will get that chance! :)
And the rolling pin idea....GENIOUS!! :)

Laura said...

I have been debating whether or not to paint my cabinets, and we were thinking of black but we have white appliances and until they die, we will be keeping them, yuck! I love the black, I will have to show my husband!

Laura :)

Diane said...

I love your kitchen. I wish I could paint my cabinets, but we built the house in 1998 and we had formica cabinets put in. Those were builder grades, and honestly, at 20 years old, I didn't care. I hope to replace our cabinets within the next year or two. I just have other things I'd like to replace, like our floors.

Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality said...

I just love your black cabinets. Those look great!


Deidre said...

I'm so glad I saw your kitchen. The house we're moving to has oak cabinets and I cannot wait to paint them black! I'm a little nervous to do so (can I do that myself?), but I love the look. And, I envisioned pulls JUST LIKE THOSE - so beautiful! I have to show my hubby your post tonight :)


sassy seamstress said...

love the medallions, love the rolling pin, and especially love the free SS fridge. Wow! That was quite a blessing! oh, and i love the cabinets too, but i had seen those before. don't you just love before and after pics!

Anonymous said...

Your kitchen looks amazing!!! I love the black cabinets! We just painted our kitchen...but we painted the cabinets white to brighten the room as it's kinda dark. We also put our house on the market today, so hopefully whoever buys it will like the white cabinets. :)

Melody said...

Your house is so cute. (I have been reading your blog for a while. I didn't realize I had been lurking so long and not leaving comments.)

I love the black cabinets. I would love to do that too but all my appliances are white. I have been trying to decide if I should paint the cabinets white or just wait until I replace my appliances.

Carry Grace said...

Your kitchen looks great! I love it!

Annie said...

I agree with Marie, I love your kitchen, and prim decor. At one time my entire house was prim, and my mom still has it in hers. The black cabinets are fabulous! I would so love to paint mine, but hubs won't hear of it! Thanks for sharing!

ROXY said...

LOVE the cabinets. Great color choice!

cherry said...

YOur cabs rock! I just love black with stainless steel. The vinyl saying looks great above your doorway with the medallions. cherry

WheresMyAngels said...

Can you tell me how you do your cabinets that way and how to keep the paint on. Everything I do gets scratched easily and comes off.

Anonymous said...

Lovely! How did you do this with kids running around? I so want to do this... but I'm nervous about the molding around the bottom of our cupboards (where the kickplate area is) I'm not sure what color to paint it... or if I remove it entirely from the kitchen if the wood touching the floor will be all uneven. Plus... MAJOR ISSUE... I have all white appliances. But then again... I'm not totally sold on black yet. I'm thinking I may want to have some fun with color. :) Oooooo.

So... how'd you do it? Over time? In steps, top cupboards first, etc? Did you have to totally sand everything down or just rough it up a bit? What type of paint did you use? Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I just love your kitchen cabinets. Mine are white but I'm almost convinced (after seeing yours) that mine should be black too. I love small houses too!


Jeni said...

I love the cabinets. It's so warm and cozy in there.

Sarah Taylor said...

I just stumbled across your blog today and I love it! I'll definitely visit again! The song that matches your quote is Little Houses by Doug Stone...one of my favorites! Have a great day!

Unknown said...

I found your blog through a link at 320 Sycamore, about black cabinets. They're gorgeous, and make me even more excited to get started on mine. BTW, the song is by Doug Stone, called Little Houses, and one of my favorites!