Rhonda over at Southern Hospitality is hosting a Party!!! It's time to show off your favorite antique/thrift store/flea market/ DI / garage sale finds.
I found this jar at an estate sale. I used to go them with my SIL when we lived in Logan. Oh, the good old days. I think it was like $5.
I don't know why I have a thing for cookie cutters. It's weird I know. I found these at a yard sale it Salt Lake City, on our way to Hoogle Zoo. I love these!!! I actually bought like 40 rolling pins off of ebay. I think they were 100 dollars. I cleaned them all and polished them up. I kept my favorites and then sold the rest back on ebay. I actually ended up making money and getting the rolling pins for free. My rug beater, I found this at the same estate sale as the canning jar. I found these at that same yard sale in Salt Lake. My hubby still thinks I'm crazy. I saw some like this on a blog and she had spray painted them red and made some cute pillows out of oil cloth for them, so someday that's the plan. Yard Sale find, it was red, I painted it black (of course, that's what I paint everything). I need to tie some cute ribbon around it to give it a little more character. My favorite find ever. This was at an antique store by my house. I talked the lady into taking $25 dollars for it. I had all my 4th of July decorations on it, but just cleaned it up yesterday. Now I need to think of something new. Go and join the party over at Rhondas. I'd love to see all of your fun finds.
I love all your antique/garage sale stuff. I have actually never been to an antique store and rarely go garage saleing. Most of my stuff was just purchased new at the store for way too much. :)
I love your rolling pins. I was looking at them the other day when you put your kitchen pictures up.
I need to go look at the rest of the links on Rhoda's blog. She finds do many good deals--even if her taste is NOT like mine at all, her house is still thrifty awesome.
Nicole, you have so many great finds. I love your metal lawn chairs. We had a couple when I was a little girl, oh how I wish I had them now. I would paint mine either black or red and put really cute pillows in them!
Hi, new to your blog...and were we separated at birth....??? I have so many of the same items! Great stuff and great find of the rolling pins. Wish I had known...I would have bought some!
Oh I love your metal chairs! I'm a photographer and I've been looking for a chair like that to haul out into a wheat field w/a little girl or a senior. My neighbor has 2 on her porch and I've thought of asking if I could borrow one for a day! They would look awesome painted red!
I think my best find was an old brass spitoon. My papaw died when I was 12 and he always had a spitoon next to his chair. It totally sounds gross now, but when I saw a spitoon just like his in an antique shop 14 yrs ago I totally started crying and knew I wouldn't leave the shop w/out it.
Thanks for your comment on my blog! The house is ready now and I need to get the rest of the pictures posted.
Way to go with the rolling pins! I loved that story! I love old cookie cutters, too. They just make you feel happy. The chair looks like a great piece to change seasonally--wonderful idea. I enjoyed meeting you through Rhoda's blog! dana
I love all of your finds! Especially the rolling pins. What a neat collection to have.
Thanks for stopping by my blog! The make over was reasonable. I am going to be listing some items on ebay to raise the money for it. A little backwards I know. Oh well. Can I add you to my blog link? Jody
I love all your finds!! I swear I think I own a little of everything you do. I used to collect rolling pins and rug beaters and Ball jars AND ladder back chairs! I have two ladder back chairs on my front porch I paid $5 each for at a yard sale about 10 years ago. I love them! It's so much looking at everyone's favorite treasures!
Love your patio chairs. I can see them painted with some cute cushions on them. Be sure to post pictures when you get them done. Thanks for your nice comment on my blog too.
Cute! I love the cookie cutters. THey would be cute if you made a garland with them and fabric and put it above your cupboards. Super cute with your rolling pins! Unless of course you use them. That would so not be me. I am so lazy when it comes to making cookies. If I have to chill or roll out the dough,forget it!!! Can't wait to see what else you come up with.
I love what you have done to your house, of course. Hope you got your van fixed. Sorry I haven't been hanging out lately. I have been caught up with home projects and a messy house.
I love all of your finds. I never do that well. I especially love the rolling pins. I may have to start a collection.
Now, for the exciting part..... I can not believe I WON!!!! I have never one anything. I am sooooo excited I just want to yell. I won't thought. Oh, my!!!
As for emailing you, I couldn't find a link to your email address. Could you get me your email address and then I will get you my address.
Thank you again for being involved in this give away.
Those are some great thrify finds! But I'm in love with those vintage lawn chairs!!! I've wanted some of those for so long now but I've never found them at a price I was willing to pay. Yeah you!
How much fun is that! I haven't been garage saling in a while, but when I was pregnant I was at it pretty much every weekend getting all sorts of great baby deals!
Loved seeing your treasures! The rolling pins in the crocks are my FAV and so darn cute! I have tons of cookie cutters, too! I put mine in a big glass jar with a red lid (I'm so not sure what it is called technicaly!). It's on my kitchen counter. I take out the ones that pertain to each season and put them in diff. displays in my kitchen! Happy day to you! Hugs, Les
I love all your antique/garage sale stuff. I have actually never been to an antique store and rarely go garage saleing. Most of my stuff was just purchased new at the store for way too much. :)
I love your rolling pins. I was looking at them the other day when you put your kitchen pictures up.
Love those rolling pins! You have sucj a beautiful home!
I need to go look at the rest of the links on Rhoda's blog. She finds do many good deals--even if her taste is NOT like mine at all, her house is still thrifty awesome.
Nicole, you have so many great finds. I love your metal lawn chairs. We had a couple when I was a little girl, oh how I wish I had them now. I would paint mine either black or red and put really cute pillows in them!
I really like the basket... and the chair!
Hi, new to your blog...and were we separated at birth....??? I have so many of the same items! Great stuff and great find of the rolling pins. Wish I had known...I would have bought some!
Oh I love your metal chairs! I'm a photographer and I've been looking for a chair like that to haul out into a wheat field w/a little girl or a senior. My neighbor has 2 on her porch and I've thought of asking if I could borrow one for a day! They would look awesome painted red!
I think my best find was an old brass spitoon. My papaw died when I was 12 and he always had a spitoon next to his chair. It totally sounds gross now, but when I saw a spitoon just like his in an antique shop 14 yrs ago I totally started crying and knew I wouldn't leave the shop w/out it.
Thanks for your comment on my blog! The house is ready now and I need to get the rest of the pictures posted.
Don't you just love that you got those rolling pins for free? How fun!
Good stuff... great stuff! I love teh lawn chairs and all of the jars too.. I have a bunch myself and use them for everything! Jen R
Oh, I love your Americana lawn chairs SOOO much!!
They will last you forever!
Great finds!
Way to go with the rolling pins! I loved that story! I love old cookie cutters, too. They just make you feel happy. The chair looks like a great piece to change seasonally--wonderful idea. I enjoyed meeting you through Rhoda's blog! dana
Hi Nicole,
I love all of your finds! Especially the rolling pins. What a neat collection to have.
Thanks for stopping by my blog! The make over was reasonable. I am going to be listing some items on ebay to raise the money for it. A little backwards I know. Oh well. Can I add you to my blog link?
Nice work! And I love that you made a profit on eBay...from something you bought on eBay (and still had leftovers for yourself!). Brilliant!!
I love all your finds!! I swear I think I own a little of everything you do. I used to collect rolling pins and rug beaters and Ball jars AND ladder back chairs! I have two ladder back chairs on my front porch I paid $5 each for at a yard sale about 10 years ago. I love them! It's so much looking at everyone's favorite treasures!
Good morning Nicole :)
I can't believe you ended up gettint the pins for free! That's incredible.
Oh and you are not crazy... I love those chairs!! I think it must have been Cherry Hill Cottage where you saw them :)
I love going to yard sales!!
I still LOVE all your rolling pins! They are beautiful!
Love your patio chairs. I can see them painted with some cute cushions on them. Be sure to post pictures when you get them done. Thanks for your nice comment on my blog too.
Cute! I love the cookie cutters. THey would be cute if you made a garland with them and fabric and put it above your cupboards.
Super cute with your rolling pins!
Unless of course you use them. That would so not be me. I am so lazy when it comes to making cookies. If I have to chill or roll out the dough,forget it!!! Can't wait to see what else you come up with.
Thank you for playing along with my party! You found some great stuff too...so many treasures out there waiting to be snapped up.
I love what you have done to your house, of course. Hope you got your van fixed. Sorry I haven't been hanging out lately. I have been caught up with home projects and a messy house.
Wow...great finds. My faves are the rolling pins and those cute cute cookie cutters. How do you display those cutters?
I love all of your finds. I never do that well. I especially love the rolling pins. I may have to start a collection.
Now, for the exciting part..... I can not believe I WON!!!! I have never one anything. I am sooooo excited I just want to yell. I won't thought. Oh, my!!!
As for emailing you, I couldn't find a link to your email address. Could you get me your email address and then I will get you my address.
Thank you again for being involved in this give away.
Wow, you and I collect some of the same things!! If you are weird then so am I. Love cookie cutters!!
Those are some great thrify finds! But I'm in love with those vintage lawn chairs!!! I've wanted some of those for so long now but I've never found them at a price I was willing to pay. Yeah you!
How much fun is that! I haven't been garage saling in a while, but when I was pregnant I was at it pretty much every weekend getting all sorts of great baby deals!
Loved seeing your treasures! The rolling pins in the crocks are my FAV and so darn cute! I have tons of cookie cutters, too! I put mine in a big glass jar with a red lid (I'm so not sure what it is called technicaly!). It's on my kitchen counter. I take out the ones that pertain to each season and put them in diff. displays in my kitchen! Happy day to you! Hugs, Les
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