Tuesday, August 26, 2008

{Back to School}

I can't believe the summer is over and it's time to send my daughter off to school. She is so excited, she really loves school. She said her teacher is strict, but fair. I thought that was funny.

I always feel guilty when school starts again. Guilty that we had a way boring summer. I wish I could be one of those good moms that take their kids on an activity every week. I have a hard time even letting friends come over. It seems like when a friend is over someone always ends up getting left out. My sister's good friend just had her 5th baby and takes her kids all the time to do fun stuff. I guess I just need to get more daring.

I can't believe she is in second grade already. It seems like once they start grade school they grow up so fast. It seems like just the other day I was in the hospital holding her in my arms. I swear it wasn't sever years ago, was it? Sometimes I really wish I could slow things down. But then I guess I wouldn't get to enjoy all the fun stages they go through.

Come back tomorrow, I have a project I'm working on.


EmBee said...

I know what you mean... It's like you turn around and suddenly they're not babies anymore and it all starts once they head off to school.

twinkle twinkle baby, twinkle twinkle said...

I am so lucky to have such cute nieces and nephews! I really does seem like just yesterday she was born! I remember me and mom coming and staying with you!

Tammy ~ Country Girl at Home ~ said...

They grow up way too fast, don't they? I know I have a son that I just posted about on Sunday and he's 19 now! Where does the time go...then my daughter is 9! Sigh! Time...slow down some! :)


Scrapper Mom said...

Awwww, she looks precious.

I know, time does pass so quickly.
My oldest is bringing forms home this week for sr. yearbook ads already. sigh.

WheresMyAngels said...

Time does fly, I wish we could keep them as babies longer.

Your daughter as always is just stunning!

Erika said...

That's a really cute picture of Mary! I can't believe how much her hair has grown since you cut it. I am dreading the day Kayleigh starts school.

Kristi said...

Don't they grow up too fast? Our daughter hasn't started school yet, and I think about it all the time! She sure is cute...

Kristi said...

Your daughter looks so sweet. I love her hair. My daughter is deficient in the hair department. LOL. My baby (boy) is starting preschool next week and it will be my daughter's 3rd year. Seems like it is hardest to let go of the baby! I know what you mean about how it seems like yesterday they were just a baby...

Cami said...

Wow, I can't believe Mary is in the 2nd grade! She looks so grown up. In my mind she is still a cute little toddler puttering around. Aaron is in the 1st grade this year. It is funny to think they are only a month apart in age. I guess that is just how it is when you have a birthday in Sept. I can't wait to see the project you are working on.

Lisa Cobler said...

What a sweetie. They grow up way to fast. My niece is in 10th grade this year!

frillsfluffandtrucks said...

She's so pretty and her haircut is adorable!

~ Sarah

Rue said...

Good morning Nicole :)

Try to enjoy these years now, because they go by even faster once they hit the tweens. Then you'll hear things like.... "Mommy you just don't understand, it's not like it was when you were younger" or "Why can't I wear those shorts? All the other girls are" ...Um... because the other girls look like they should be on a street corner, sweetie pie ;) LOL Seriously though the time does go by so fast....

She's adorable :)


Jenny said...

Madi is in her last year in elementary! Then I will have two kids in JR high!! I feel old! In 4 years when Scott is a senior in High School I get to start elementary all over again with Nicholas, how weird is that!

Laura said...

She is so cute! You don't look old enough to have a 2nd grader! I remember my summers from that age and we usually did only one big thing over the summer, like the zoo. Now as I am older, the memories of those times are so grand. I think if we did things weekly, it wouldn't have had the same impact. Those special time meant so much, so don't feel bad I am sure they had a great summer break!

Have a good day!
Laura :)

taratoons said...

I can't believe summer is almost over either! Your daughter is adorable! I hope she had a terrific first day of school!! It is so nice that she enjoys it - I love her assessment of her new teacher. :)

Jeni said...

What a pretty girl you have. Beautiful hair and smile. Time does slip away so fast.

Anonymous said...

I'm right there w/ya sister! I can't believe how fast they grow up. Your dd is beautiful!!! She reminds me of my dd...blue eyes, blonde hair and tan! ;)

I've also got friends how do tons of fun things w/their kids. I want to be that way, but always find myself at the end of the day wondering how that day went by so fast. I need to be more intentional w/my kids...and everything else for that matter!

Amber M. said...

Oh my, is she too cute!

Unknown said...

Mary is so grown-up and beautiful! I had a really hard time this year with Kylie starting kindergarten. I think it's probably because she is my only girl.

Twice as Nice said...

Your children are adorable. I sent my son off to school today...he's in 7th grade but if feels just like yesterday that he was in second. Some days I wish he could be little again so I could just rock him all day...no wonder I didn't get anything done back then :o)

Ritch in Love said...

She is so cute!
I wouldn't worry about not having a busy summer.
We go crazy with our kids here because they are only here 72 days a year. But I betcha anything if they were here every day it would be a different story!
My button is from cutestblogontheblock if ya want one! Just wondering what your email is so I can add you to my list. :) Send me an email if ya get the chance.

Mimi Sue said...

Be sure to enjoy every minute with your kids, it goes by so fast! Before you know it they'll have second graders of their own. She's a cutie. Mimi

WheresMyAngels said...

I just read your BIL comment. My daughter's do really well most of the time in public, but at school Mercede will act up if she can get away with it. And what she did at school was take off her bra and wear it on her head. This shocks me cause my daughter knows alot better, this is something she would of NEVER done with me. She likes to pretend she isn't as smart as she is for new people. The dual dx with Autism is such a hard one, because there is still so little understanding of it.

Our Complete Family said...

2nd grade and lookin' so cute all ready for school! I hate seeing mine grow up, but it is exciting to see who they grow into at the same time. I know exactly what you mean. Hoping you have a great rest of your night. I'm off to partake in some oh so fun laundry time!!! ;) Can't wait to see your project! ~ Les

Anonymous said...

You know I feel the same thing about the boring summer...It's great when they love school...I dread the day when they don't.

Becky said...

Your daughter is so cute! I love it that she likes school. My oldest grandson started kindergarten and has cryed everyday but today. I sure hope it gets better for him.

The Beauty Bargainista said...

How beautiful is she? We just started 1st, and I cant believe how fast they are growing!!

Rachel Berry said...

Okay how did I miss this post!? She's such a cutie...
I'm like you a homebody during the summer & having friends over just turns into a fight because someone else always wants to play to but they don't want him to. So it's just easier not to ya know...
Man that was alot of to's. Okay I'm stopping now.


Trixi said...

Oh, she is a cutie!!

Anonymous said...

my house on the way home princess, I have lots I would like to teach you in bed you will NEVER learn at school