Can you tell I'm having a hard time thinking up interesting titles??? Today is the last day of the tour of my sisters home, and she really does have some great ideas, especially for hanging pictures.
I really like how she hung these pictures. The rod and the iron work above it is from that store Rod Works that I've told your about.
More fun stuff from Rod Works. They do have a online store if your interested. Just Google Rod Works and you'll find it. I love this easel, I actually think she bought it from Tai Pan, I love these pictures that she had taken at Kiddie Kandids.
This is her Fire Place Mantle. I love these hearts that she made and the sweet Willow Tree figurine. Sorry, not the greatest picture, I was trying to be a little too creative with the angle. Here is there coffee table with some fun stuff from Tai Pan, I haven't been there forever, now I want to go! She probably wouldn't appreciate me taking pics of her bathroom. I just really like it though. I like the paint color and the tile and how she's decorated. I love the little topiary. I thought this was a cool idea. I might have to try it in my bedroom. This is above the hot tub in the master bath. I thought this was a cute idea. It's just one of those canvas covered frames that artists use, and she's decorated it up. Isn't ModgePodge awesome! My friend Megan thought I need to show pictures of the families to go along with the home tours. I thought that was a good idea, maybe it will make it feel more personal. Here is my sister and her hubby on their wedding day, a little over two years ago.
Here is my sisters cute little 5 yr old step son and their daughter who just turned one. Well I hope you've enjoyed the tour! Have a great weekend!
I love your home tours. I really like her bathroom. I want to do something like that in our bathroom, but it will never happen. Hey, I finally posted the instructions for the card purse, just for you! :)
Tai Pan and Rod works are a couple of my favorite stores. In fact I have plans to hit them both when I am in UT in a couple weeks. Thanks for sharing these fun home tours!
Thanks, she is so creative! I wish I was creative with decorating but I am so not!
I just found Mod Podge thanks to Christine at the Pretty Paper blog. I've been doing alot of crafts with it that I may someday post about, if they turn out the way I want them too.
Her house looks great! Don't you love rod works? My sil has a love affair with that store. I am just way too cheap! Taipan is great-but there is a better store in salt lake. I know I have told you about it-taiwan on 72nd south! It rocks my dear cause they have all the stuff that that taipan has-just cheaper! Love those bargains! Guess I will never be able to get over that little obbsession. Oh well-I can think of worse things!
I can't even count how many neat-o ideas I saw on the 'home tour'! What fun posts! Thanks for sharing! Here's hoping you have a FAB weekend ahead!!! ~ Les
What a cute sister you have. And she has a cute home, cute husband, and cute kids. What more could you ask for? Last time I was at Tai Pan they were starting to put out Christmas stuff. Yikes.
Yeah! A face to go with the place! (Aren't I creative?) PS: I will totally pick up tommorrow. I just got home too late to call you. So, if you happen to be checking your comments...
I love your home tours... They make me want to go decorate something, like my master bedroom. I keep meaning to do that and then I start thinking about all the work involved and the way the rest of the house falls apart when I get started on a project as big as that and poof! there goes all my desire for decorating.
I love your blog.. The pictures are awesome and your home is so pretty ...I want to give you a personal invitation to Screaming Meme's Faux School~ I'm teaching a continual class on different faux techniques! So, get to class ...your late! :)
I am so excited to find out rod works has an online store! I am jumping on that asap! Thanks for the info!
Darling post-as usual!
Maybe some day I can decorate my bathroom....
As always, so cute!
I love your home tours. I really like her bathroom. I want to do something like that in our bathroom, but it will never happen.
Hey, I finally posted the instructions for the card purse, just for you! :)
I love that scrolly thing she has above the picture frames. The bathroom wainscoting is fantastic!
~ Sarah
Tai Pan and Rod works are a couple of my favorite stores. In fact I have plans to hit them both when I am in UT in a couple weeks. Thanks for sharing these fun home tours!
Your sister has a really cute home! I love the pictures hung on the hooks and the canvas that she did!
Laura :)
Thanks for the tour... she has such a lovely home!
Thanks, she is so creative! I wish I was creative with decorating but I am so not!
I just found Mod Podge thanks to Christine at the Pretty Paper blog. I've been doing alot of crafts with it that I may someday post about, if they turn out the way I want them too.
I love your home tours! It's so much fun to see how other people decorate. I guess I just like peeping inside other people's homes. ;-)
Her house looks great! Don't you love rod works? My sil has a love affair with that store. I am just way too cheap! Taipan is great-but there is a better store in salt lake. I know I have told you about it-taiwan on 72nd south! It rocks my dear cause they have all the stuff that that taipan has-just cheaper! Love those bargains! Guess I will never be able to get over that little obbsession.
Oh well-I can think of worse things!
I can't even count how many neat-o ideas I saw on the 'home tour'! What fun posts! Thanks for sharing! Here's hoping you have a FAB weekend ahead!!! ~ Les
What a cute sister you have. And she has a cute home, cute husband, and cute kids. What more could you ask for? Last time I was at Tai Pan they were starting to put out Christmas stuff. Yikes.
Yeah! A face to go with the place! (Aren't I creative?)
PS: I will totally pick up tommorrow. I just got home too late to call you. So, if you happen to be checking your comments...
What a wonderful tour-loved it!!
Shayne Louree
I gave you an award.... it's on my blog!!!
Hi Nicole :)
Your sister's house is darling! I love those hearts on the mantle :)
So pretty! I always knew Shanna had great taste! I LOVE the bathroom, she needs to come and decorate mine for me!
I love all of the iron work ideas, and have thourghly enjoyed the tour of your sisters house! :) Thanks so much for sharing all of it!!
Oh my gosh, your sister looks just like you, how cute!
I love your home tours... They make me want to go decorate something, like my master bedroom. I keep meaning to do that and then I start thinking about all the work involved and the way the rest of the house falls apart when I get started on a project as big as that and poof! there goes all my desire for decorating.
Can you believe I've never been to Tai Pan? Looking at your blog makes me want to spend money! :)
I love your blog.. The pictures are awesome and your home is so pretty ...I want to give you a personal invitation to Screaming Meme's Faux School~ I'm teaching a continual class on different faux techniques! So, get to class ...your late! :)
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