Wednesday, August 27, 2008

{Pumpking Making Tutorial}

I had this entire post typed out and my 18 month old turned by computer off. So here it goes again, it probably will not be as good as the first one.

Ok, so fall is seriously my favorite time of year. I am not a summer person so fall doesn't come fast enough for me. I really want to get out my fall decorations and decorate right now, but it still seems a little early. A couple of year ago I make these pumpkins and I'm telling ya they are super easy. So I'm going to do my best and give a little tutorial.

First, cut your fabric any old size your want it. A couple tips though, I think they look better if the height is longer than the width. You'll also want to allow a couple more inches on the sides than the size you actually want your pumpkin to be. You'll see why when you make the bottom.

Now sew up those sides and leave the top open.

I have to show off this machine. I know you hate me, but don't! It's not mine. It's my SIL's and she is sweet enough to let me borrow it a lot. Doesn't that sorta make me like a part owner or something?

Ok now, lets see if I can explain this. To make the bottom you put the middle of the bottom and the seam on the side together like this.

Go in about 1 1/2 inches and sew a straight line. Do this to the other side and turn your pumpkin right side out.
When your done, your bottom, I mean the pumpkins bottom should look like this.

I like to add one or two cups of rice to the bottom of the pumpkin the help it stand up and to help keep it in place.

Now add some stuffing until she's (yes, it's a girl now) as puffy as you want her.

Now gather up the sides and tie it together with a rubber band. I like to use my little girls hair elastics. Go to your neighbors yard and cut a branch off their tree for her stem.

Tie some raffia around the stem, and cut some leaves off of that fall floral arrangement that you've always hated hot glues those babies on and ta da, your done.

I like to make a few and cluster them together like this. They also make great gifts.

So I don't think Simplicity or McCall's is going to be calling me anytime soon, but hopefully you can figure out my little tutorial.


Sherri said...

Those are cute!!

Our Complete Family said...

Oh my goodness they are ADORABLE, 'Miss Crafty Gal'!!! Oooh, and you could put something in them to make them smell yummy, too! What a neat project you have here! ~ Les

Tammy ~ Country Girl at Home ~ said...

Very cute, Nicole! Love those!


Becky said...

Those are so adorable!

Anonymous said...

HOw neat!

Rachel Berry said...

Those are so cute! And thanks for the tutorial. Sigh... Another craft to add to my ever growing list. Dang this Blogging!! :)

And about the sewing machine(enter coveting here) you just tell that sister in law that possesion is 9 tenths of the law. Just kidding. :)


Just Lisa said...

Super cute! My favorite part was "go to the neighbor's yard and cut down a branch..." LOL! That's something I would do!

LeAnn said...

Ooh, Nicole! I love those so much! I was also thinking a little cinnamon sticks and some cloves tucked inside would be loverly!

Great tutorial!

Mimi Sue said...

Just darling. I've got a bunch of fall stuff that needs retiring. I'll make something new! Mimi

Aubrey said...

Oh my goodness their the cutest! I WONDER where you got the idea! ;)

Now if I show mine, people will think I made them myself. Awesome.

Gettysburg Homestead said...

Very cute. Love your choice of fabrics too.


Jeni said...

Super cute and I just may be able to make those. Did you show the neighbor how cute her sticks looked?

Kristi said...

Great job with the tutorial, especially for having to type it up a second time. Those are so cute. Just like making a bag. Which gives me the idea that you could use those as packaging for fall cookies or something to give as a gift!

Sarah Taylor said...

They look amazing! What a great tutorial... thanks so much for sharing! A few of these would make a wonderful hostess gift! Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

Those are adorable Nicole! They look so easy to make, but I'm pretty sure I could find a way to screw them up! ;)


Something Nice and Pretty said...

Love these and I think I could really do this! Love the fabric too!

frillsfluffandtrucks said...

Very cute! I'm loving the fall ideas that people are starting to put out there.

~ Sarah

Melanie said...

So cute! I just sewed some pumpkins last week, but I may just have to make a few more! Thanks!

Tausha said...

cute cute cute! I have some of those. My MIL made them for me one year. I was in the same room and supposedly was helping-but i so know better than that!
You make them sound so easy. So wish that i could sew! Maybe in my next life, or whenever I get caught up on my laundry-which ever comes first!

Lisa Cobler said...

Those are adorable. Great post.

Anonymous said...

Great tutorial...I may have my DD do this since she is currently taking sewing lessons and should know more about the machine than I.!!

Carry Grace said...

These are adorable! I think I could tackle this one. Thanks for the tutorial.

Unknown said...

those are super cute!

Felicia said...

My favorite is the part about going into your neighbor's yard to cut off a branch for the stem :o)

I think I'm gonna make a few of these today. Thanks for the idea!

Anonymous said...

Oh My!! I think I'm stealing this idea~ How CUTE!!!


Oh, they are soooo cute and look pretty easy to make! Thanks for sharing!! :)

Our Complete Family said...

Nicole~ it's really not messy! I, too, would freak out if it was messy in the house but nope...we've been o.k. with the chalkboard doors! I use wet rags to wipe it off, not an eraser, so that might help not to get the messy chalk dust spread about... ~ Les

...for all eternity said...

These are great! My version of sewing is safety pinning everyting but I don't think this would keep the stuffing in!
Thanks for your support. We lived in Idaho for 8 years and I always think to myself if the people out here only knew how many kids is the norm there they would just die! :) There is just a different attitude about the family here in New England. I have to keep telling myself I have to do what's best for my family and I know this is what we need to be doing! I love your blog, can I add it to my fav's list?

Jo-Anne said...
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joelandbecca said...

Those are great! I am so not a sewer, so I run away from that-but, I need to just tackle that fear some day. Very cute idea!

Claremont First Ward said...

What an awesome tutorial. Thank you! I'm so glad that I was able to help your SIL.....such a crazy ride! :) I'm glad everything worked it's self out in the end. See you next week for a wordful? :)

Jo-Anne said...

Hey Nicole...
Email me (joannecarter4(at)yahoo(dot)com) and then we don't have to catch up through comments! :)

Shell in your Pocket said...

How cute. When I taught school, we use to do the same thing but wrap the fabric around a roll of toilet paper...they almost look the same but not as tall! Cute blog...I'll be back!
Sandy Toes at

Connie said...

Oh Dear ~ If only I could sew!

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

Those are totally adorable! I get into a fight with my sewing machine everytime I use it, so I try to stay away - lol. I did use it to sew my studio/office curtains and it was a frightful day - lol.
p.s. I am having my 300th post mosaic giveaway...come enter!

WheresMyAngels said...

As soon as I saw the sewing machine, I knew this was a post I couldn't relate too!! lol

Tausha said...

i love it when you say such nice things about me. Please-come by EVERY single day and tell me more K?
You can get in with any business license. Just have to make an account there when you go. Taiwan-just off of 72nd south. You will be so happy when you go there. I will tell you welcome in advance-that is how much you will love me!
the apple green is an awesome color-but I love the EXPENSIVE paint some much more than the other-I might just have to go and see what other colors I can find! rustoleum-really is that fantastic. You should try it on the next project. the only drawback-it might just be too good. I might never want to go back to the cheap crap again. SHH-don't tell that to my husabnd!

cherry said...

Ohhh those are similiar to what Rachel made on her blog! I have fallen in love with all these cute pumpkins. Yours are adorable. cherry

Brandi said...

Those are darling. I've made some similar before, and I still love getting them out every year. Great job!!

Rue said...

Hi Nicole :)

Those are absolutely precious and Simplicity or McCall's should call you! Love them :)


Sherri said...

We need to have a craft night!!!

Beth at Aunties said...

So dang cute! I love the fabrics you used. My daughters and I had a girls night of fall crafts a couple of years ago and made something so similar to these cute pumpkins and now they will be displayed this fall in three different states, from VA to Utah.
They are so cute displayed in a variety of ways! Thanks for the demo...
Give your baby a hug for me! you gotta love em even when..:)

ohiofarmgirl said...

Hey, I get it!!!!! I don't sew much but I know I can do this!!!Thanks a million. Dianntha

Katie said...

Those are ADORABLE! I love 'em!

Unknown said...

copy girl copy! lol

joelandbecca said...

um the last book-it wasn't like the others, where I couldn't put it down. It took me a little longer to read. And, I thought there was a lot more adult content...meaning, if I had a teenage daughter, I wouldn't feel comfortable with her reading it. I could go on forever with thoughts about book 4. I also thought it was different than the other 3.

Regardless, we just had our first book club meeting tonight. We did the firt book tonight and we will do 2-4 next month. I had been rereading book 1 in prep for tonight and it was a lot of fun re reading it. And, I am excited for the movie. We are all going as a group as date night with our hubbies. Anyways-what did you think of book 4?

Leslie said...

I wanted to try making some of these this year, thanks for showing me how!

Trixi said...

These are so cute and you are too creative. I would soo love a Bernina!

Julia @ Hooked on Houses said...

These fabric pumpkins are so cute. And your blog is beautiful! I enjoyed looking around today. -Julia :-)

Laura @ the shorehouse. said...

How super cut are these?! And great tutorial. (Isn't it just great when you finish a post and the computer shuts off?! Ahhh....;-)

Heather said...

too too cute! If only I could sew...

Darlene said...

Those are the CUTEST!! I don't sew but I think I may have to try these...they are just adorable!!!

Stacey @ The Blessed Nest said...

So super cute--I'll have to give those a try! My daughters would love to help, I'm sure :). Thanks for the tutorial!!


Melissa @ The Inspired Room said...

Wow, look at you, super crafty! Those are really cute!

Thanks for being a part of Fall Nesting Week!

Happy fall,

Scooterblu's Whimsy~Rhonda said...

What a great idea! These little pumpkins are too cute! :) ~Rhonda

Kimba said...

WOW! What a great project. They're adorable! And it's a great tutorial too.


trish said...

So cute! I will be following your tutorial in just a few moments to try and make one myself! Thank you for sharing!
Sincerely ~ Tricia Anne

Catherine Holman said...

I love your idea. This will be great for my daughter who is learning to sew. She love projects like this. Thanks!

Unknown said...

These are so cute! Thanks for posting1

Anonymous said...

Your little pumpkins are adorable!! Thanks for sharing!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Life of Preston said...

oooo - I am sooooo gonna make me some of your cutie pumpkins! (and wish me luck because this will probably be the most sewing I have ever done on my in-desparate-need-of-attention sewing machine - maybe I'll try liquid stitch!) thanks for sharing!!!

Rachel said...

THANK YOU for sharing this! These are adorable! I know what my next project is!

jill said...

Great idea! The pumpkins are adorable!

Chubby Chieque said...

I love ur tutorial idea. Very educated. I have to sew pouches like urs. cuties!


greetings from Stockholm,

Brooke said...

What a great idea! I can use up my quilt batting scraps for stuffing. Thanks for sharing. Also, I'm having sewing machine envy. :) What a beauty!

Regina said...

Hello! I'm new to your blog and love it...especially this wonderful tutorial! Thanks for the inspiration! You're right, these will make adorable gifts!

Stephanie ~ Angelic Accents said...

Absolutely adorable & Sew Simple ~ I think with your great instructions that I might actually be able to do this!

Thanks for sharing!

Big TX Hugs,
Angelic Accents

Marcy said...

Thank you so much for the tutorial for these cute pumpkins! Your directions were great! I can't wait to make some!