Sunday, August 24, 2008

(Weekend Bargains)

This weekend I visited the dollar store. I was trying to find some of those black crows to make a cute Halloween tree like Susie over at BienVenue. Well, I found the black crows and I also found this stuff. My hubby doesn't like them but I think he will once he sees the big decorating picture :)

So, you've probably already figured out that I spend like 5 bucks. The candles are a little hammered, but maybe it adds some personality.

Then just to make the day better my friend Aubrey over at Shiner Circus gave me this cute lantern for my little boy's room. It looks so cute!

There is just nothing better then a weekend with cheap free stuff.

My hubby on the other had did something crazy.......

He wend sky diving with his two crazy brothers. Sorry this is the only picture I have. I guess it doesn't prove much does it! BTW, my hubby is the one on the


Tiffany said...

They both look a little nervous in the photo. :)

Carry Grace said...

Cute stuff! I have seen a few people that have gotten those candle sticks and I can't find them! I did get some pumpkins. Too cute!

Sherri said...

Wow --- Skydiving???? Crazy!!! Thanks for inviting me on Friday and helping me with the potty issue!!!!

Becky said...

WOW! Skydiving! YIKES is all I can say! I like all the goodies you've found this weekend!

Megan @ Megity's Handmade said...

Hah! You are on the white pumpkin bandwagon too. That tree she did was great! Maybe I should get on the bandwagon too!
Can't picture your hubby skydiving.

Melody said...

I just got those candlesticks for somebody else. :) In a different color though. The candles may not look perfect but they smelled good.

By the way, I gave you an award on my blog because I love your blog :)

WheresMyAngels said...

Oh I have a candle holder I bought at the dollar store for 3 dollars and I love it.

I wish I was brave enough to sky drive. Did you watch?

twinkle twinkle baby, twinkle twinkle said...

I want some candle holders! What store did you get them at? You should make me a tree!!

Lisa Cobler said...

Great stuff. Love the candles and candle sticks.

Amber M. said...

I have never been to that blog before...cute stuff! I want to see your final project when it's done...

Shannon said...

Great finds!!!

Mrs. Grindstaff said...

By what I heard from Audrey and Elliot, you couldn't see them diving until they had pretty much landed anyway, so at least you have one picture!

frillsfluffandtrucks said...

I bought those pumpkins this weekend too!

~ Sarah

sassy seamstress said...

love the's fabulous!

Jeni said...

Wow...I went over and saw that tree. I love it!! skydiving...I don't think I could do it.

Sydney said...

I love that lantern! And sky diving is for crazy people! :-) Just kidding. I hope he had fun!

Anonymous said...

Great Finds...and what an adventurous weekend...Way To Go Hubby!!

Laura said...

Those are adorable! I could never sky dive, I am sure it is a great thrill but I could never do it! Kudos to him!

Laura :)

Anonymous said...

Cute little pumpkin! Did you watch hubby skydive? Oh I feel faint just thinking about it! :0

Erika said...

I would love to go skydiving some day, how fun! So Jungle Gyms is in Salt Lake on Fort Union Blvd. It was pretty fun! Some of the workers are a little slow, and don't eat there, the pizza looked gross. The rides were fun though and it was only like 5 bucks for Kayleigh and parents are free. I think older kids are like 8 dollars, but anyway...

joelandbecca said...

I got me some of those pumpkins-but yowza-what cute candle sticks!

All I can say is-holy cow! Skydiving!

Anonymous said...

I really like your pumpkins. I must get me a few!!!

Trixi said...

You did great on your finds. Skydiving, what are they thinking? Oh, my!

Our Complete Family said...

Way neat-o finds you got this past weekend! Oh boy, your main squeeze and his brothers are so BRAVE. There is no way I think I'd be able to be that adventurous!!! Did they like it? Was today your 1st day or tomorrow? I hope it's a GREAT week for you guys! This is our first 'full' week so we'll see. Bryce was already beat tonight from school and then an almost 2 hour soccer practice! Tomorrow morning should prove interesting... Hugs, Les

Mimi Sue said...

You can stalk me anytime. There are a couple of houses I like to drive by too. I don't think it's weird at all. Wait, does that make me weird? Our neighborhood has house tours every now and again. We've got some really cute ones. If another one comes up you'll have to join us. Mimi

Sarah said...

I like the color of the candles! Good finds.

Marrdy said...

Cute, cute stuff. I love "stuff", hubby hates it. SIGH! You have such wonderful design taste. I love it!

Kim @ Home Is Where The Heart Is said...

It's amazing what you can find at the dollor the candle holders and pumpkin! The lantern for your son's room is really nice, too.

Anonymous said...

Oh man... that is crazy! I'm glad someone finally stopped for you. How scary!!! Its sad that people are afraid to help people now. I can't imagine my Husband or Dad passing someone that needed help!