Isn't this kitchen beautiful! I love the Knotty Alder Cabinets, and the granite counter tops. I think my sister has done an awesome job decorating it also.
Here is her dining room. Sorry about the bad picture!
We have the best store here in Utah called Tai Pan, she got a lot of her decorations there! Someday I will take my camera and show you what a awesome store it is.
I love how the cabinets are staggered and not just straight all the way across, it's adds so much depth and personality. Her ragamuffin garland and beautiful window "mistreatment's" We call this guy Bruno. My sister hates him, she wont stay at the house if her hubby is out of town cause of this guy. I told her she need needed to put some earrings on him or something to make him look a little more friendly. And at Christmas she could put on some pretty bell earrings or something!!! Comeback tomorrow! I'll be finishing off the tour!
Wow that kitchen is beautiful! I love the cabinets. And yes I may live in Oregon but Tai Pan is an AWESOME store it's been far too long since I have set foot in there.
Okay, I am into Bruno! Of course I have a Bruno of my own and the funny thing is, we actually call him Bruno also. And we have put a red ribbon over the back of him for Christmas!
Tai Pan is so great. Love the prices. They have a new one in St. George now. My daughter in CA and her friends are planning a 6 hr trip one way to shop! Thank heaven the mister doesn't like to hunt!
Haha! The in-laws have "Elmo" in the kitchen. Hello! Kitchen right by the dining room table. It got decorated a few years back and is still so I don't notice it anymore. I think that you need to start putting faces with the home tours. How about a pic of the happy home owners?
Okay, have to admit that I'm not a fan of Bruno either--but I do love her kitchen cabinets!
~ Sarah
I've said it before, I'll say it again-I love Tai Pan! I went through serious withdrawals when I moved to TX! That kitchen is fabulous!
I so love Tai Pan...I go there every time I visit my in-laws.
I feel your sister's pain over Bruno...I ahve a bear rug hanging on the wall AND an antelope head in my family room. Seriously.
So sorry about Bruno. I'm not into "dead decor" either.
The kitchen is fabulous. I keep hearing about Tai Pan but I've never been. I think I'll wait 'til I have a little money saved up :o)
I agree, Tai Pan is pretty cool. I have been in there twice this week!
She does have a very nice kitchen!
i think she should definitely put a red nose on Bruno for Christmas. Maybe once he's Rudolph, he won't be so scary!
Wow that kitchen is beautiful!
I love the cabinets. And yes I may live in Oregon but Tai Pan is an AWESOME store it's been far too long since I have set foot in there.
Beautiful cabinets!
Okay, I am into Bruno! Of course I have a Bruno of my own and the funny thing is, we actually call him Bruno also. And we have put a red ribbon over the back of him for Christmas!
I grew up with a bruno and am so glad I don't have one for my home!! lol
I love the cabinets! and all the decor. Love these tours your giving us :)
Tai Pan is so great. Love the prices. They have a new one in St. George now. My daughter in CA and her friends are planning a 6 hr trip one way to shop! Thank heaven the mister doesn't like to hunt!
Haha! The in-laws have "Elmo" in the kitchen. Hello! Kitchen right by the dining room table. It got decorated a few years back and is still so I don't notice it anymore.
I think that you need to start putting faces with the home tours. How about a pic of the happy home owners?
Bruno needs a red clown nose and some lights on the antlers!!! How cool would that be?
I love those cabinets, but I don't love Bruno! ;) I grew up in a home w/deer, fish and pheasants on the walls...they always gave me the creeps.
I love the cabinets! :) I think they are awesome!!!
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