Ok, so sure it's green and the plants are growing and everything, but shouldn't it be producing a pumpkin or tomato or corn by now???
This is our first time planting a garden and I'm worried we planted it too late, or maybe we shouldn't have bought our plants at Walmart! Any advice???
Need a good laugh??? Apparently Batman has been playing dress-up again!
Are you sure they aren't too close together. that is what happened to my husbands garden and the plants depleted the soil so quick they could not grow properly.
Later I will have to post a pic of my husbands garden this year! OMGosh, it was the worst!!
LOL That is exactly why I don't plant a garden. Mine never seems to do anything. Hmmm... not sure about your growing season so I don't know if you should have fruit or not. Probably not pumpkins yet though.
NO green thumb here...so I can't help one bit. I managed to save one tomato plant, with funny looking tomatos on it, and as of yet, none of them are red...and now I'm thinking maybe they weren't supposed to be?? Poor Batman...
I am no expert but I think corn needs a couple of rows in order to propogate. Atleast, that is what we have been told by the old timers. As for everything else, maybe they just need more time. They look good and healthy.
Scott planted some corn this year and it is doing awesome. You need to plant it in rows in order for it to grow. We just ate some last night it was wonderful. I'm just getting pumpkins now. The garden is huge. you should come over and see it.
I *think* you need a few rows of corn so it can...do it's thing. Whatever that is. :o) My garden started out really good this year, but it got SO hot things fizzled quickly. I am still getting lots of tomatoes and we are still picking watermelon but that's it anymore. Kind of a bummer!
Definitely skip Wal-Mart, Home Depot, etc. next year. That was one very valuable lesson I learned. Check out a local nursery and you'll be amazed how much better your plants grow! Also, make sure they receive enough sun! They need TONS! Doctoring up your soil over the fall and spring will help as well. Good luck!!!
See, I have no problem with Wal-mart plants! Mine are doing well. I say, give everything a little shot of Miracle grow a couple of times a week for the next few weeks. You'll see progress! I'm just finally getting tomatos and it's mid August!
Corn is really hard to grow. You need several rows of it in order to polinate. There is still time for the pumpkins. Tomatoes....hmmm...nothing I can say there. I have only picked one tomato this year, but several green ones waiting to ripin.
Next year you will do better. It is all about give and take.
We bought plants at Wal-Mart last year and they did fine. With moving this year though, we haven't started a garden at our new house! I wish I had some advice though...my husband is the gardener!
Yup, corn needs rows. Tomatoes need to be fertlized (I planted 11 plants and I'm getting 11 tomatoes because I never fertilized).
Last year was my first year of planting a garden and I learned SO much just from talking to my neighbors about the growing season and the soil in our county.
If you like peas, they would be cute by your fence and they're super easy to grow...you can plant them early while it's still cold. Also I've had great success with lettuce and spinach. They also like the cold, and grow fast. You could probably even plant them now.
I bought a 6-pack of snapdragons from wal-mart, and a 6-pack from a local nursery and there's NO COMPARISON! The wal-mart ones are about 6" tall, and the nursery ones are about 16" tall and WAY bigger. Find a local nursery next year...they'll also be able to give you tips for your area.
Oh, and I forgot. My 3 year old thinks your batman in CG costume is hilarious. We are big into Curious George at our house. George even comes to church with us...as long as Dillon helps him to be reverent.
my garden looks just like yours. I have 4 huge beautiful tomato plants-one has fruit and it's kind of a wimpy looking crop. Everything else died. Peppers, squash, zuchinni-everything. I think that I am going to take some advice offered to you and prep the soil this fall. I too have clay and it sucks! My grandma is an avid garndner, she used to have a nursery-so I listen to her tips. She said not to fertilize. It's too late and the only thing that it will do is make the plant grow taller not bear more fruit. She said a lot of people have had the same problems we have because we planted a little late and it ot hot so fast!! Dang utah heat! I have heard that you need to check the ph of your soil. I am thinking that will be a fall project. I am going to have a kick but garden one year if it kills me!
Don't look at me! I tried a garden, and the soil in this part of Texas is too clay like...it drowned all our tomatoes! Yikes! Thanks for your sweet comment. You are a doll!
I know you have to plant more than one row of corn so it can pollinate. We learned that the hard way too! I also think the plants from Walmart are ok. Maybe you just planted them to late. Our gardens in the south didn't do to good because of the spring rains.
I plant tomatoes every year and some herbs. I know some of my plants came from Walmart & Lowes and they did just fine. I always plant as early as I can (in the South usually after 4/15 or by 5/1) then water till the roots are established. We are in a drought here in Ga but since the roots established before it was so hot, the few rains we've gotten have sustained my plants and they are loaded with tomatoes!
Oh hey... we just found two pumpkins in ours... it was a fluke thing... didn't even know they were there amongst the weeds!! HAH!! Well our corn didn't do so well... it did produce ears but they had stunted growth or something. We did have some friends who had some great corn stalsk but they never produced ears... what is that all about... I would ask for a refund onthe seeds chica!!
Are you sure they aren't too close together. that is what happened to my husbands garden and the plants depleted the soil so quick they could not grow properly.
Later I will have to post a pic of my husbands garden this year! OMGosh, it was the worst!!
LOL That is exactly why I don't plant a garden. Mine never seems to do anything. Hmmm... not sure about your growing season so I don't know if you should have fruit or not. Probably not pumpkins yet though.
NO green thumb here...so I can't help one bit. I managed to save one tomato plant, with funny looking tomatos on it, and as of yet, none of them are red...and now I'm thinking maybe they weren't supposed to be??
Poor Batman...
I am no expert but I think corn needs a couple of rows in order to propogate. Atleast, that is what we have been told by the old timers.
As for everything else, maybe they just need more time. They look good and healthy.
It's this terrible Kaysville clay!! When did you plant?
Scott planted some corn this year and it is doing awesome. You need to plant it in rows in order for it to grow. We just ate some last night it was wonderful. I'm just getting pumpkins now. The garden is huge. you should come over and see it.
I *think* you need a few rows of corn so it can...do it's thing. Whatever that is. :o) My garden started out really good this year, but it got SO hot things fizzled quickly. I am still getting lots of tomatoes and we are still picking watermelon but that's it anymore. Kind of a bummer!
I think everything has been slow this year...but I'm also the black thumb in our family.:-)
You know, I always thought that Batman was a bit...off...
Definitely skip Wal-Mart, Home Depot, etc. next year. That was one very valuable lesson I learned. Check out a local nursery and you'll be amazed how much better your plants grow! Also, make sure they receive enough sun! They need TONS! Doctoring up your soil over the fall and spring will help as well. Good luck!!!
See, I have no problem with Wal-mart plants! Mine are doing well. I say, give everything a little shot of Miracle grow a couple of times a week for the next few weeks. You'll see progress!
I'm just finally getting tomatos and it's mid August!
Corn is really hard to grow. You need several rows of it in order to polinate. There is still time for the pumpkins. Tomatoes....hmmm...nothing I can say there. I have only picked one tomato this year, but several green ones waiting to ripin.
Next year you will do better. It is all about give and take.
We bought plants at Wal-Mart last year and they did fine. With moving this year though, we haven't started a garden at our new house! I wish I had some advice though...my husband is the gardener!
Yup, corn needs rows. Tomatoes need to be fertlized (I planted 11 plants and I'm getting 11 tomatoes because I never fertilized).
Last year was my first year of planting a garden and I learned SO much just from talking to my neighbors about the growing season and the soil in our county.
If you like peas, they would be cute by your fence and they're super easy to grow...you can plant them early while it's still cold. Also I've had great success with lettuce and spinach. They also like the cold, and grow fast. You could probably even plant them now.
I bought a 6-pack of snapdragons from wal-mart, and a 6-pack from a local nursery and there's NO COMPARISON! The wal-mart ones are about 6" tall, and the nursery ones are about 16" tall and WAY bigger.
Find a local nursery next year...they'll also be able to give you tips for your area.
Oh, and I forgot. My 3 year old thinks your batman in CG costume is hilarious. We are big into Curious George at our house. George even comes to church with us...as long as Dillon helps him to be reverent.
my garden looks just like yours.
I have 4 huge beautiful tomato plants-one has fruit and it's kind of a wimpy looking crop.
Everything else died. Peppers, squash, zuchinni-everything. I think that I am going to take some advice offered to you and prep the soil this fall. I too have clay and it sucks!
My grandma is an avid garndner, she used to have a nursery-so I listen to her tips.
She said not to fertilize. It's too late and the only thing that it will do is make the plant grow taller not bear more fruit.
She said a lot of people have had the same problems we have because we planted a little late and it ot hot so fast!! Dang utah heat! I have heard that you need to check the ph of your soil. I am thinking that will be a fall project. I am going to have a kick but garden one year if it kills me!
Don't look at me! I tried a garden, and the soil in this part of Texas is too clay like...it drowned all our tomatoes! Yikes! Thanks for your sweet comment. You are a doll!
I wish I had some advice to give, but all I can keep alive is a fern!
I know you have to plant more than one row of corn so it can pollinate. We learned that the hard way too! I also think the plants from Walmart are ok. Maybe you just planted them to late. Our gardens in the south didn't do to good because of the spring rains.
I forgot to tell you I have something for you on my blog...go check it out...
Those blocks are arranged so neat. I love this kind. It's what I have in my front. I need more though.
And...poor batman. Doesn't he know that curiosity killed the cat!! ha.
I plant tomatoes every year and some herbs. I know some of my plants came from Walmart & Lowes and they did just fine. I always plant as early as I can (in the South usually after 4/15 or by 5/1) then water till the roots are established. We are in a drought here in Ga but since the roots established before it was so hot, the few rains we've gotten have sustained my plants and they are loaded with tomatoes!
Hope that helps!
Oh hey... we just found two pumpkins in ours... it was a fluke thing... didn't even know they were there amongst the weeds!! HAH!! Well our corn didn't do so well... it did produce ears but they had stunted growth or something. We did have some friends who had some great corn stalsk but they never produced ears... what is that all about... I would ask for a refund onthe seeds chica!!
Aja Se Kansas
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