You were the sweetest little baby. I don't think I put you down for naps until you were like two because I just loved to snuggle with you on the couch, since you were my first I could.
You are such an adventurous little girl, your just like you dad. When you were little and I had young women's on Tuesday nights, your dad would put you in the backpack and take you hiking with him. You loved it, just like you still do.
Your such a little dare devil.Just a couple weeks ago, grandpa told me how when you went to the ropes course, that the instructor said you were the youngest little girl he'd ever seen do some of those activities, like climbing the 30 something foot pole.
I remember the day we took this picture, you did not want to sit still. You wanted to be climbing on the rocks in your new little dress. The first and only dress I've made you.
The day we took this picture you wanted to go sledding down the hill with our neighbors so bad. We didn't have a sled so dad let you use one of my cookie sheets.
I have always loved this picture of you. You are so beautiful, I don't know how on earth me and your dad ended up with such a beautiful blond little girl.
I so wish I could stop time once in a while. You are growing up way too fast for me. I wish you could stay my sweet little girl forever sometimes.
Sometimes when I do your hair while your sitting in front of the mirror, I amazed at what a lucky mom I am to have such a sweet little girl.
I love it when 3:25 rolls around and I get to walk out side and watch you walk home from school. I love hearing about your day, and seeing all the hard work you've done that day at school.
You write the best tributes. She is such a good little girl! So pretty!
This is so touching! My Kenners turned 7 this year as well. Can you believe they'll be baptized next year?! I don't know how that is seems like she was just a little baby!
What a darling young lady you have! And how convenient that I have a brilliant and charming 7 year old son. But I'm not in any hurry for him to grow up either, so we make have to wait a while to finalize the "arrangement." :-)
Oh. That was just the absolute sweetest post ever. She was such a cutie when she was a baby and even more now.
My dd (as you know) turned 10 this year. She would die if she knew I wrote this, but we bought her a bra a couple of weeks ago. I teased her about posting about it, but she threatened me!! (I wouldn't do that). Anyway, that just made me think that the years are so close to getting away from me with her. And my oldest....he will be a Senior when school starts. Now that makes me sad.
Great post...Happy Birthday to your daughter. We almost shared one, huh?
How special! Yes, a very special Happy Birthday to her!
What a wonderful tribute to your daughter. She is such a beautiful little girl. Enjoy it while you can!
What a sweet walk down memory lane! And, what a beautiful daughter you have!
You wrote that so well! She is such a beautiful little girl. Still loving all that hair she had as a baby.
Wish my Addison had hair like that.
Hope she has a GREAT BIRTHDAY!
Oh gosh! Im so scared!! Lagan is turning 7 in November! where did the time go??
Your daughter is just stunningly beautiful! :)
Thank you so much for stopping by my blog! I did design it myself, from my other blog, expressive style graphics! :)
Happy birthday Mary! What a sweet, beautiful girl she is! I remember when you would bring her into ZCMI to see Shanna. She was just a baby. and I LOVED all of her dark hair. It is so fun that she has turned into a little blondie! You are such a sweet & fabulous mom!
I can't believe my baby girl has her own beautiful 7 year old. You are both so lucky. A wonderful daughter for a wonderful mother. I am so proud and love you both so much. Happy Birthday my precious grandaughter - I love you!!! The only thing as wonderful as being a mom is being a grandmother.
Happy Birthday to her!
She is so pretty! I love the hair styles!
Awww...cute pictures and HB!!
Happy Birthday to your daughter. She is beautiful.
I'm sniffling after this post, Nicole. It was fun to see so many pictures of Mary as I remember her. :) Thanks for the reminder of how how fast the time goes, and what a blessing these kids are. Hope you had a great birthday, Mary!
I hope she had fun spending her birthday at our house--we had fun with her! She's such a pretty girl--it's funny how her hair and eyes were dark as a baby when they're so light now. I do wish i had her hair...
What beautiful pictures...sweet girl! Happy Birthday! She sounds like my Courtney..such a good helper!
OK - I am a little late reading this post but I found your blog through Kimba's blog. I LOVE this tribute to your daughter. She is just beautiful. I am in tears here reading it! :) I have an almost 3 year old daughter and she is growing up way too fast also.
Enjoying your blog. I will be back!
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