If you want to find our where to get supplies and digital paper go here. I made on the pages on photoshop, and then I put them all on a 20x24 page on photoshop like this. You can click on the picture to enlarge it.
Ok, so once I'd done this, I took my CD to Walmart and had them print it. To print it was about $13.00. I then cut them all out and glued them to the bracket chipboard book using modge podge. I also went over the pictures with modge podge to protect them from sticky fingers and things like that. And finally I'm done. YEA!!!
One more thing, SITS is giving away this awesome purse. I haven't owned a purse since my grandma gave me one in Junior High, pathetic huh! If your interested on winning it click here, and if your new to SITS tell them I sent you please.

OH MY GOSH I LOVE IT!!!! I think this would be a great gift for my Mother & mom in law! Thanks for the inspiration!! Your amazing
Nicole --- can we have a craft night?? You are amazing!!! I used to be good at stuff like that but then...I must have lost some brain cells or something!
Very cute scrapbook. Your mom will love it.
It turned out great! It looks so put together and professional with all of the coordinating pages. You did a beautiful job! It was worth your mom's wait! ;)
I love these!! I'm going to have to look into this!
That album is gorgeous! I love the colors you used. Your mother will love it!
Did you have it printed at Walmart on "regular" photo paper? Could you have had each one printed individually instead of one big sheet. I'm trying to figure this out. lol
Hi! I'm new to the Blogosphere, and I found your site thru another link. Interesting stuff here! I'm running a giveaway, and I'd love it if you'd stop by. http://poprs.blogspot.com/2008/06/giveaway-tuesday.html Drop in any time! :)
I love that book. My sister is the one who makes those types of books for my mother. Me, I spent hours and hours making a mini book for my SIL before the birth of her second child. All I had to do was add the pictures of her new born, but then the book disapeered. Well I just found it two days ago, in my husbands stuff. It looked like the book my sister made him for fathers day (ok, so I copied my sister), now my SIL's newborn is 18 months and she has a 5 month old also. And no book!
What an awesome gift that you just made, it looks incredible!
I'm Alicia, from Momdot.com- this is just a note to let you know that your blog is up on our list! We have a button to give you for your sidebar, so please email me at momdot@live.com and I will get it to you!
That is so cute...I want Photoshop too...bwaaaa...
that is too precious...i just have one question. what is the actual size (roughly) of the cards once you cut them out? i love that idea. what mom wouldn't???
ok-that book is so super duper darling i just can't stand it!
I love it!
I am not that handy on the old photo shop-but I think that i could do something with regular old printed pics.
Of course it wouldn't be as cute as yours-but I can still try right?
You should be proud and I bet your mom wont care one little bit that it is one week late. She will love it way too much!!!
I found you!!! I was so excited the day you commented on my blog, but I had no idea how to find you. It took me a few weeks to realize a google search might work...and here you are!
I'm trying to get into this digital scrapbook thing. It just takes more time than I have right now. Your blog and your projects are darling.
Oh, and I went back aways and saw your kitchen cabinets. I love them! I'm trying to get up the motivation to paint mine antique white (distressed) but I'm afraid of how long it's going to take. We don't have a garage to do it in!
This is a great idea!
Love the album-- especially the quadrafoil design (4 interlocking hearts). Great choice!
Album is awesome. Love it!
I LOVE your bracket album. I'm not a scrapper, I just drool over other's pages! :)
that is a seriously awesome gift--what a cool idea--looks great so it is worth being a bit late! lol!
Hope your little guy is feeling better!
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