Recognize this post??? I thought I would repost
it since Easter is just around the corner!
I've been wanting an Easter / Spring decoration for my front door forever so I came up with (copied from a neighbor) this cute Carrot decoration for my door. The little girl that I watch everyday came over today and said that it was weird to hang carrots on the door. I told her that is how we get the Easter bunny to come to our house, she didn't think it was so weird after that. This picture makes me want to paint my door black!
it since Easter is just around the corner!
I've been wanting an Easter / Spring decoration for my front door forever so I came up with (copied from a neighbor) this cute Carrot decoration for my door. The little girl that I watch everyday came over today and said that it was weird to hang carrots on the door. I told her that is how we get the Easter bunny to come to our house, she didn't think it was so weird after that. This picture makes me want to paint my door black!
I love it when projects turn out to be easier than expected and that's how this one was. It only took about an hour and a half and that is with me trying to take care of my crying baby too.
* 2 orange tea towels ( or 1/2 yard of orange fabric that you like)
orange thread
* ribbon (what ever you have around the house, it wont be seen)
* small safety pin
* fake greenery (something that resembles carrot foliage)
* glue gun or craft glue
* fiber fill or stuffing (they are the same thing aren't they?)
* optional - brown wood stain and foam brush

Slide some ribbon onto your safety pin and feed it through the casing that you just made.

This is totally optional but I used some watered down wood stain to give my carrots a little more character. I didn't want them to look so new. It worked good, but my house smelled like wood stain for a while.
Group your three cute carrots together and tie some ric rac around. Use some fray check at the ends of the ric rac so it doesn't fray.
I am MAJORLY in love with carrots right now, in fact just did a post and tutorial about them... NOW I MUST make these! Thank you so much for the tutorial!
Very cute carrots and great idea using towels. Have to make me some now. Come stop by when you get a chance.
So cute. What a clever decoration. I can't believe Easter is next week. I guess I blew decorating for that holiday too! I've still got my Valentine's day stuff up! Agh! Thanks for the tutorial. It's really darling!
way cute idea!
Thw Easter bunny is sure to stop at your house tooooooooo cute!
i think these are really really cute!
Darling! I will be making some today!
very cute!
I'm totally loving these! I will feature them at Grab my "featured" button. BTW, your t-shirt idea from last week go the most views out of any from that show!!! Congrads!
Oh those are too stinking cute! I want some! Have a blessed weekend!
super cute!
This is one of the cutest projects I've unique. I collect carrots...odd, huh? I don't know why they appeal to me...they just do! I love these...think I'll make this for next year! Thanks for the instructions.
(If you want to see my carrots...hop on over.
Well I bet your house will be the bunny's first stop by the look of those carrots.
They are so cute!
I just made my little girl a stripy skirt out of part of a leftover jelly I want to make some of those pretty flowers you did for moda to put on a t-shirt to match. Thanks for doing all these neat things and sharing them!
Just what I was looking for. I made some and linked to your blog. Thanks!
Nicole--Thanks for your comments and your awesome tutorial. I love how mine turned out! I did design my blog myself all except for the header. I had Carly from Playful Pickle Designs do it. She was great to work with and super fast! We thought we were finished at 4 kids too. I couldn't get rid of the feeling that there was one more waiting. So glad I listened.
I did it! I made some of your flowers and my Madi looked so cute...I think anyway. Thank you, thank you. They were hard at I want to make some more...for something.
I put my little girls picture in her new ourfit on my blog.
Nicole, these are adorable!! You are so creative! I don't have a creative bone in my body. I am just good at copying others creativity! I think I might have to make me a bunch of carrots for next year to hang on my front door!
Very cute and thanks for the tutorial. I'll have to bookmark it for future reference.
Just want to say thanks for the great tutorial. Had a lovely visit through your blog with my morning coffee - it was a pleasure.
Take care, DianeH
These are so cute. I will be including it on Random Crafty Georgia Girl Crafty Tuesday tomorrow. Please stop by and grab a featured button!
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