Wednesday, November 12, 2008

It's a tough job, but I think I can do it!

My SIL is moving away for a few years and will be working full time. She feels like she's not going to have a lot of time to sew, so she asked me to take her sewing machine while she's gone.
Hmmm, ya know, I think I can handle that! It's not going to be easy, you know, all those late night sewing projects, but I think I'll manage!

This is like my dream machine. Ya see all those buttons on the right? Those are all different stitches this beauty can do. My only real concern is when the three or four years are over, how I'm I going to give her back. I mean we will have developed such a close bond, it would be like giving away one of my children. Maybe I just need to start a fund, and save for my own, yea right, I'm the worst at saving!!! I guess I'll just enjoy her while she's been entrusted to me.
I did finish my little sneak peak project from last week. The problem........the cord thingy that I use to download pictures from my camera isn't working. I'm hoping to make it to good old Wally World tonight to buy a new one, so don't give up on me just yet!


Jeni said...

How nice of you to babysit for free...:) I can' wait to see what you make!

Shannon said...

Sorry she is moving away but what a deal! She looks fancy!

Cherie' said...

I feel the same way about the huge flat screen TV my brother in law let us borrow while he is in Iraq. Not sure I want to give it back.

Rae said...

Ooh, la, la!!! I can't wait to see the amazing things you make with that beauty!!

Emily said...

Lucky You! Can't wait to see what you sew.

Anonymous said...

Nicole, you're hilarious!!! I can't sew to save my life. I'm sure it drives my mom crazy since she's an amazing seamstress...she made her own wedding dress for goodness sake. Have fun and try not to slobber on it! ;)

Laurel @ Ducks in a Row said...

How fun - It's a great time of year to have one of those too. I can't wait to see your projects.

joelandbecca said...

What a sacrifice you are willing to make! You are such a good SIL! haha

Amber M. said...

If you ever need a back-up babysitter, I'm TOTALLY available. Anytime.

Rachel Berry said...

Lucky Duck!! I'd babysit too if I had the chance. Enjoy you long term visitor!!

Kristi said...

YIKES! Bernina!! :O)

Unknown said...

wow, what a machine! I can't wait to see your project!

Carry Grace said...

Oh wow! That looks like fun!

onlymehere said...

AUGGGGGGG NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, can you hear me wailing all the way over here? This is my dream machine. I bought a little Bernette to get me by for quilting with a walking foot (still love my 30-year-old Viking) but the shop I bought it at will let me trade it in within a year for my full purchase price to use on a different machine. This program works really well for them to get people into the more expensive machines. They had let me borrow a machine like your sister's when the walking foot I'd ordered for my Bernette hadn't come in yet and I had to get a quilt done before my daughter's baby arrived! I seriously loved this machine. The Bernette is fine but I certainly hope to have the funds to upgrade to this next April. The way life is going I'll probably have to stick with the Bernette but I'd love this one!! Also, I entered that give-away too and I love the bag on your recent post that you made. I didn't realize you had an etsy shop (if I did I forgot) so I'm going to head over there and look around! Cindy