Sunday, October 12, 2008

{I wasn't expecting this}

They said it was going to snow but I really was not expecting to wake up to this..............

I thought maybe a few flurries or something like that. Look at my poor bushes. I didn't get time to give them a good trim so the snow wouldn't do this to them.

I really
hope they will survive!

I guess if I'm going to live in Utah I need to expect things like this.


Marie said...

WOW! You guys just skip by fall altogether or what??? That is amazing! I hope your bushes survive too!

ROXY said...

OMG That is crazy!!! I hope your bushes make it!!

Amber M. said...

That is crazy. I heard talk that a snowstorm was heading your way...but it seems so EARLY still!

How your bushes will be okay...

Kristi said...

Wow! And, we NEVER get any snow here. It is so strange to think of anyone getting snow in October...

Aubrey said...

They'll survive--you can see your wicker bench now! I think my tomatoes and flowers are dead.

Scrapper Mom said...

I guess I live a sheltered life. We hardly EVER get snow. That is so cool, but yet so early!!! How cold is it? We are still in the 70's and 80's for highs in Arkansas.

Rae said...

Holy cow!! Were the kids excited to see the snow? I know mine would be. We just got all the snow stuff out of the attic yesterday and they of course had to try it all on!

Anonymous said...

Oh my....and here we are with unseasonably warm weather in the upper 70's...

Unknown said...

Oh my word! My son is 12 and has never really seen any snow. Hope the bushes make it!

Shannon said...

That is so crazy!!! What happened to Fall? :) That is hard to imagine when our temps are still in the 70's.

Jeni said...

My it is early for that...but I bet the mountains are absolutely beautiful! You can make snow ice cream.

Cindy said...

Oh my, I am not ready for those visuals. As much as I love fall, I know what comes next.

I hope you can stop by for a visit sometime @

Twice as Nice said...

Wow. We get snow in Illinois but it's been a beautiful week. Was it the type of snow that melts by noon? I dread winter!!!

Heather said...

That is incredible! We live in Ohio and had a record high of 85 today. Hope your bushes survive!

Jen T. said...

Wow! We are in NJ and it's going to be 80 tomorrow!

sweet momma luv u said...

How fun is that! My parents got snow in Boise,ID on Friday. I love the snow and can't wait for it here.

Hope the bushes are okay.

Beth at Aunties said...

Crazy weather! Poor bushes... I know what you mean we left town when it was a comfortable 75 degrees and came home worried our sprinkler pipes might have frozen over. LOL! Utah weather changes on a dime. I always hope the trick or treaters can enjoy a mild evening before the cold arrives.

WheresMyAngels said...

It was 80 in Missouri today :)

Melissa Lester said...

No way! Here in Alabama I am just hoping for weather in the 70s so I can justify wearing sleeves and making soup!

Inspired Kara said...

WOW WOW WOW. I can't even believe it!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness!!! We'll be getting all that moisture as rain here in KS over the next few days. I'm so not ready for snow. I hope your bushes and plants survive.

onlymehere said...

Wow, you got more than us that's for sure. We just got a skiff up here but this morning the cars were covered in thick ice and some of the doors were frozen shut. When we get a snow like that I take a broom and very lightly brush at the bushes to get the loose heavy snow off. It protects the branches from it turning into heavy snow or ice and breaking them. It's a little secret I learned from my mother and I swear it helps! How long have you been in Utah? Your last comment made it sound like you were a fairly new resident.

joelandbecca said...

O wow! I had heard it might snow, but my dad didn't really think it would stick. Can't believe that! It is still so hot in Texas! Not fallish at all!

Laurel @ Ducks in a Row said...

Oh goodness. There is always an early snow, or so I've heard.

Nancy Hood said...

I.AM.SO.ENVIOUS!!! I lived in Denver back in the late '70's and have missed it ever since!! Lucky, lucky you. We had rain yesterday, in Prattville AL, so that was good. But then it brings a humid evening~ah, how nice snow would've been.

Liz Harrell said...

Oh wow. I'd love a little bit of cold right now, at least enough so I could put my flip flops away. :)

Our Complete Family said...

Oh no! It just seems so early for snow! I know I'm not ready for what will be dumped on the Midwest no doubt. Guess I need to get out and get new sizes in snowstuff before it hits and all stores are sold out! Hoping your shrubs bounce back hun. xo, Les