Recognize this post??? I thought I would repost
it since Easter is just around the corner!
I've been wanting an Easter / Spring decoration for my front door forever so I came up with (copied from a neighbor) this cute Carrot decoration for my door. The little girl that I watch everyday came over today and said that it was weird to hang carrots on the door. I told her that is how we get the Easter bunny to come to our house, she didn't think it was so weird after that. This picture makes me want to paint my door black!
it since Easter is just around the corner!
I've been wanting an Easter / Spring decoration for my front door forever so I came up with (copied from a neighbor) this cute Carrot decoration for my door. The little girl that I watch everyday came over today and said that it was weird to hang carrots on the door. I told her that is how we get the Easter bunny to come to our house, she didn't think it was so weird after that. This picture makes me want to paint my door black!
I love it when projects turn out to be easier than expected and that's how this one was. It only took about an hour and a half and that is with me trying to take care of my crying baby too.
* 2 orange tea towels ( or 1/2 yard of orange fabric that you like)
orange thread
* ribbon (what ever you have around the house, it wont be seen)
* small safety pin
* fake greenery (something that resembles carrot foliage)
* glue gun or craft glue
* fiber fill or stuffing (they are the same thing aren't they?)
* optional - brown wood stain and foam brush

Slide some ribbon onto your safety pin and feed it through the casing that you just made.

This is totally optional but I used some watered down wood stain to give my carrots a little more character. I didn't want them to look so new. It worked good, but my house smelled like wood stain for a while.
Group your three cute carrots together and tie some ric rac around. Use some fray check at the ends of the ric rac so it doesn't fray.
Love cute thanks for the tutorial!!
That is sew fun! Looks cute.
Loved the Carrots last year and I love them again this year! You are one crafty gal! Now if only I could get my rear and gear and make my own carrots to display for Mr. Peter Cotton tail! Hope you are doing well!
I made this a couple weeks ago from seeing it on your blog. I loved it! Thanks for the great idea and for being such an inspiration!
We need you on our enrichment (or whatever it's called) committee! Mimi
I still think you should make some for your Mother!
THANK you for reposting I remember seeing them last year and LOVED them, I made them this weekend and I am going to post them tomorrow!
Super cute !!
My mom used to eat a small bag of carrots a day.. they eventually turned her hands ORANGE... then we visited a new church, ended up going there for a while. After a couple years the pastors wife heard about how my mom eats so many carrots and she said OH ... the first time u stepped foot here I thought you had tanning spray on your face ! HA nope it was the carrots. My mom doesn't eat carrots that much anymore. I think she was lacking Iron in her body. That's why she would crave the carrots. Okay enough of my rambling. I love your blog,So cute. You can visit me here
I am new to blogging so only have 7 followers .. SO FAR!
This is such a great idea! I'm planning to maybe use this as a idea for a big group idea for our church. I'm not the best at figuring out how much product I will actually really need. Do you think you could help me with that? I think it could be anywhere between 10-40 people that sign up for this project. How many can you get at the length you wish you would have made... out of 1 yard of fabric that is like 46in" wide do you think? how much greenery do you need total? and the filler? total? Sorry any help you could send my way would be greatly appreciated!!!
These would look cute made with some orange calico fabric. Love the idea, making these for my family for easter.thanks!
cute! OK to Pin It?
These are adorable! I'm pinning, I've been searching for inspiration and came across this post. Love it, and doesn't look hard to do.
Debbie :)
Wonderful idea. Thank you for posting.
Love these! Found on pinterest and followed the link to your blog. Thanks for sharing I plan to make a few or 50!
Group your three cute carrots together and tie some ric rac around. Use some fray check at the ends of the ric rac so it doesn't fray.
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