Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Ribbon Blanket and Block tutorial and another Great Giveaway!!!

Go on over to Moda Bake Shop to check out my new tutorial for this Ribbon Blanket and Block. I don't know about you, but there are about a zillion babies due around where I live and I thought these would make the perfect gift, if I'm not to bush taking care of my own new baby that is! They are fast and easy! Or if you just plain like it but don't want to make one, go check out my etsy shop!

And to celebrate another finished project for Moda I thought it was time for a little giveaway! Soooooo here is what is included in this giveaway.

- A Charm pack of Hushabye (used in project above) by Tula Pink!

- A Charm pack of Odyssea by MoMo. (Would work great for a little boy Ribbon Blanket and Block.)

- Not pictured but included in giveaway, batting for block and ribbon for block or blanket!

Here is what you have to do...............

1. For one entry - Leave me a comment!

2. For two entries - Blog about this giveaway on your blog, with a link back to mine! (Be sure and let me know you posted about it on your blog.)

3. For three entries - Become a follower if your not already, if your are already just say so and I'll give you another entry. Giveaway will end Sunday at midnight. I will announce the winner Monday morning!

ALSO...............Don't forget to enter the giveaway I'm sponsoring below for this cute Skeleton Tassel! Scroll down to previous post to see a full picture!


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Michaela said...

New reader here! I just found you on MBS and subscribed with my handy Google Reader. I lovelovelove finding new quilt friends : )

Sarah DeSalvo said...

I found you from MBS, too. That is an adorable blanket and block! Too cute!

Rachael said...

Love it, especially the Odyssea. Awesome. I'm a google reader subsciber, too!

MamaG said...

Such a great tutorial! I'm a follower! This would be perfect for my friends baby girl!

Mystica said...

What absolutely beautiful colors and thanks for the tutorials which make it look so easy!

Thanks for your generosity.


Anonymous said...

This is adorable, and I love the Hushabye line. I'm also coveting the Momo lines right now. Now following your blog & will share on mine!

Teresa said...

Found you on MBS this morning! I love the tutorial! I blogged about you at www.joliesjunebugboutique.blogspot.com and I am now a follower!

Ange Moore said...

Found you through Moda Bake Shop - cute project! My son seems to prefer the tag on all his toys, rather than the toy itself so will have make some of these as baby gifts!!

Ange Moore said...

I'm also a new follower!

MadAllyKat said...

That is adorable! Thank you for the tutorial. I am subscribing to your feed now! :)

Anne Thompson said...

I just discovered you on MBS too! love the design and the fabrics.

Chookyblue...... said...

the ribbon blanket is a great idea......

Jacque. said...

Great Moda Bake Shop tutorial! Adorable ribbon block/blanket.

{northern cottage} said...

So darling! My daughter had one of these little blankies she would hold onto while snuggling in for the night - can't wait to make some for other little ones - thanks for the tutorial. I've read you via google reader but am now becoming official follower!

Jacque. said...

...am now a follower. Thanks for the giveaway!

EricaThomas said...

I just found your site. Please enter me.

EricaThomas said...

I just subscribed to your site! Thanks!

Ruthie said...

Those are such cute projects. I'm going to make some tonight, but would love to win.

Nichole said...

Great tutorial. Thanks for the great giveaway.

Nichole said...

Also - I am now a follower1

Sheila said...

Great tutorial. My younger grandson loves loves loves his tag/ribbon blankie! (Wish I'd made it. LOL)

Aimee said...

I just found your blog and I love it, so I'm a follower!

Alicia said...

I found you on MBS. I subscribed! This is the most darling little newborn gift. I have been looking around for a pattern, and I am so excited to find yours.

I also blogged about it!

Jenny said...

Please enter me in the give away! I am going to blog about it too and become a follower! I LOVE your blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You have given me much inspiration!!!!

Lisa F (NJ) said...

Hi, I just found you throught the Moda bake shop and I love the tag blanket that you made. I have been thinking about making one for my soon to be little girl, we are adopting and should be traveling this winter to bring her home. If I win these would be some adorable fabrics to use!!!! I can't wait to go back and look at the rest of your blog to see what else you have done.

I willl definitely post a link from my blog and let you know, and I will definitely be subscribing.

Thanks for the great ideas!


Aimee said...

I love both of these fabric lines so it would be awesome to win!!

Aimee said...

I blogged about the giveaway!

Sipiweske Quilts said...

I love the Hushabye fabric - very pretty. Congrats on your MBS project - no babies around here, but I'm sure the pattern will come in handy. Thank you. - Marlene

Cottage In The Sun said...

I have a friend with a new baby and would just love to be entered!

Pat said...

Love your Moda bake shop blanket! And would love to make one for my youngest daughter who will welcome her new son in December! I've bookmarked your blog - thanks for the chance to win!

Anonymous said...

Your tutorial was great! It was easy to understand with great pictures! Really nice job! and thanks for the chance to win some really great fabric!

Kelly Taylor said...

Both of these are super cute! I love the fabrics. I will definitely follow you to look for more great ideas in the future.

foodmathquilts said...

Please enter me in the contest too. My brother is having a baby in a couple of months, and I've been meaning to try this type of project.

foodmathquilts said...

I just added you to my reader so I can follow you too ...

Becky DeVries said...

new to your blog from MBS and LOVE your tutorial, I also have tons of friends who are due anytime so this is awesome and something new!

Becky DeVries said...

I am now a follower

Sarah said...

What a cute blankie! I made a similar one when my son way a baby. :)

Courtney @ Sweeter Than Cupcakes said...

Great giveaway. Thanks for the chance to win.

Lori said...

This is such a sweet idea! I'm due in a couple months and his nursery is in the blue and green minky chenille

Lori said...

Oh and I'm blogging about this on my site

Diana said...

What a great baby gift. "Blankys" sure look way better now than when my kids dragged theirs around. I'm in need of a baby gift so would love to get the goodies. I read MBS everyday and found you there. I'm glad, a new blog to check out everyday.

Anonymous said...

Oh, that is the cutest gift set! My son's speech teacher has a 7mo boy and that would be perfect for him. Thanks so much for sharing the tute!


*BTW, I'm also a follower. ;)

onlymehere said...

I'm a follower! I thought I was before but I just checked and I wasn't. Please enter me in the give-away. Now I'm off to check out your tutorial. I'm invited to a baby shower a week from Saturday so this may just be the quilt I make for a gift! Cindy

Alicia B. said...

This is so cute! This would be perfect to make as a Christmas present. I've also started following your blog, as I found it on modabakeshop.com.

Leila said...

I would love to win that great fabric! I can't wait to see what you make with the gobble gobble.

Leila said...

Oh, and I just signed up to be a follower too!

Jen said...

Like some others, I also found you from MBS. I love the tutorial - it will make a great baby gift for my SIL who is currently expecting.

blushing rose said...

Love the post & giveaway ...

Welcome Gail on her lst day blogging @ shabbycottageshoppe.blogspot.com.
Have a beautiful day. TTFN ~Marydon

PunkiePie (Jen) said...

Very nice tutorial on MBS. My BFF is excepting around Christmas so I think I'm going to make her a cute ribbon blanket! Thank you for the chance to win too. I'm going to blog about it now. BRB!...

PunkiePie (Jen) said...



Erin said...

Beautiful blanket and Block!! So jealous!

I posted this on my Livejournal blog: Visit http://ourcozynest.blogspot.com/ for a chance at winning! and I also add you so I could follow you.

So, I guess that makes 3 entries. Comment, blog, follow lol Kind of like lions, tigers and bears (oh My!) lol

Thanks, Erin

Ms. Elaine said...

Just linked to you via another blog! Love the blanket and block! Thanks for sharing

Crystal Pinned it said...

Hiya! I am following you... leaving this comment... and you can find my post about your giveaway on my blog


Jessica said...

Thanks for the quick baby gift idea! Now I have a way to use up some of my scrap Minkee!

Pitterpatter said...

I really love the tutorial over at MODA! Very cute! Oh, and I am subscribed too!

Heather said...

I love these. Very cute. Just a heads up, I had made some and had them for sale on ebay {may have been the 1st mistake} and the lising was removed due to copyright issues.

Seems a company out there 'owns the rights' to make things like this with the ribbons. I called mine tags, and I think that's what tipped them off. The company's name is Taggies.

I just wanted to share. These really are adorable. Good luck them in your shop. :)

Cami said...

Good work Nicole! So cute! I am still looking for the recipe. I think I have lost mine. I think I shared it with Felicia. I will track it down and send it to you. No worries.

Dallas Designing-Diva said...

New reader here. I just found you when I made my daily visit to MBS. I just love this project-2 quick "handmade" gifts! Love it. I've subscribed with Google Reader! Can't wait to see what you do next!

babiesdoc said...

I found this blog via moda bake shop
I like the block

Sarah @ Pink Lime said...

Id love to win- saw you in moda bake shop

Sarah @ Pink Lime said...

I signed up to follow you

QuiltyBee said...

Very sweet blanket--I found it on MBS. I love this project's simplicity!

Loves to Quilt said...

What a darling little snuggle quilt, and thanks to your turorial, it will be easy to make.

PS Will mention your giveaway on my blog!

Betsy said...

I adore that tutorial. What a great gift idea. I am definitely becoming a follower of your blog. Thanks again...beautiful pictures.

Bev said...

This is a adorable project. I have a couple friends having babies and this would be adorable for them.

Bev said...

I am a follower

Dallas Designing-Diva said...

I posted about the giveaway on my blog. You can see it here:

paulette said...

I love this fabric- thanks for the chance to win it! Love the little blanket and thanks for the tutorial! Keep 'em coming!

Erika @ Andover ClOthing said...

Love this - found your tutorial on ModaBakeShop and I had to come over to enter the giveaway - as I'm pregnant with a boy and a girl!

Erika @ Andover ClOthing said...

Oh, and I just became a follower too!

Jessica Bene said...

So cute! I love your blog and your tutorials! I am also a follower!

denise said...

I have seen Hushabye on blogs everywhere--it is super cute! New reader as well. Denise

Anne said...

Count me in - I love this adorable baby gift! So, I am leaving you a comment (and I already did on MBS!), I am blogging about your project and giveaway on my blog, and I am now following you. Thanks for the sweet giveaway.

Andrea said...

I loved your tutorial and Hushabye is one of my favorite collections!

Kristi said...

You make the cutest projects. I am already a follower.

Carrie said...

Love the tutorial!

karen said...

would love this give away - such cute things for a new baby- I always seem to be expecting a new grandchild or great niece or great nephew.

charcharr said...

Love the baby block. I want to make one with the poky little puppy fabric.

Jan said...

I'd love to win this.

charcharr said...

Just discovered your blog, and excited about following it now. Great tutorials and giveaways. Yea you!

Ruth said...

Love your baby blanket tutorial!

Liz said...

So fun!!! I would love to win:)

Kathy said...

I love it. You make everything look so easy.

Kathy said...

I'm a follower.

sewfunquilts said...

I found you on MBS, and now am following. Thanks for the chance to win your Giveaway. Cute gifts for new babies!

kathytypestoo said...

thanks for the great tutorial! i love those ribbon blankets, but always forget about them when the time comes. bookmarking that tute for sure.

kathytypestoo said...

AND now i'm a follower on bloglines :P

Candice @ Made With Love said...

I found you via Moda Bake Shop, and am so excited to try out your tutorial- thank you!!!

Candice @ Made With Love said...

I'm now a follower and will be back soon! :)

RC said...

Love your ribbon blankie and block! I'm a google subscriber. =)

Anonymous said...

Found you through Moda Bakeshop, I love finding new quilt blogs to follow!

Wheeler Family said...

What a cute project! I would love to win!

Laura said...

Found my way here through Mode Bakeshop. So kind of you to do this giveaway. Hope I win, but how lucky for the person who does! (And I'll be posting on my blog!)

Heidi said...

What a cute idea! Wow you have a TON of comments! You are so popular!! Probably cause you make such cute things! I hope I win!

asklisam said...

Soo adorable great for my baby girlexpected to arrive in 6 weeks. I just hope I could make it i I win! (Very basic sewing skils)

the mama monster said...

hey there neighbor. love the blankie and the giveaway!

the mama monster said...

am now a follower

mom2three said...

Hi! Yet another new follower from MBS. Love that baby gift- and I could really use a few of them, there's alot of friend's babies suddenly in my life :)


Becky said...

Hi. I love almost everything on the Moda Bake Shop site, but this is one I will definitely do. You make it look so easy. I don't think the decorative stitch looks bad at all. It's really nice. I've added your site to my Google Friends. Can't wait to see your next MBS tutorial.

Megan @ Megity's Handmade said...

Well, I have to enter this giveaway because I love fabric!

sndy1 said...

Just found you via MBS--thanks for the blanket tutorial. Great idea.

Lyric said...

I've been following your Moda website for a few months now and I absolutely love it. Thank you for all of your fabulous tutorials!! I would LOVE to win this giveaway. Here's hoping {crossing my fingers!!}

Lyric said...

Just put a post for you on my blog: craftychiclyric.blogspot.com. Another entry please!! ;)

Lyric said...

AND I'm now a follower. I am really so glad I found your blog. Thanks so much!! Oh, one more entry please!! ha ;)

Jo Anne said...

Cute little blanket. And the fabric is one I have been admiring. I'm expecting 2 grandbabies shortly. Thanks for the project.

Jen T said...

Love your tutorial!

Little Dude's Mama said...

Love the taggy block idea! Thanks for sharing!
I just added you to my Google reader, too!

Kimberly said...

Please pick me!

Pretty, pretty please!

Rita said...

This would be the perfect gift for a new baby.

Rita said...

I am now a follower!

Janie said...

What a great tutorial! Pick me pick me!

knitngardnr said...

OMG, that is cute fabric!

knitngardnr said...

I signed up to be a follower, you have some great ideas!

knitngardnr said...

well, I didn't blog--but I added it to a twitter post--might that count?

Aimee said...

Great project - found you from MBS. I have a neice or nephew on the way soon, and this looks perfect! Congrats on being featured!

I am a follower, too!

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

Two wonderful charm packs that would be great for your Ribbon Blanket!

jabeybaby said...

Very cute, I love the block idea! Hushabye is one of my favorite lines right now. I'm now a follower also!

Twinkid said...

Found you on MBS as well. I loved Hushabye before it was released and if I see one more cute thing out of it I gonna scream! So now I gotta have it!

Molly said...

Beautiful quilt you made for MBS!

Kristi said...

These are so adorable. I am no good at quilting, but maybe if I win I can figure it out.:)

Kristi said...

I am a follower too!

Nancy said...

I'm here from the infamous MBS for the darling fabric you are giving away. Thanks for the fun tutorial and giveaway.
spackattak7 at hotmail dot com

Jen said...

How fun!!! What a great, quick project. I'm at the age where I'm going to 3-4+ weddings a year and my friends/family are all beginning to pop out babies, so it's great to have something like this on hand. I'm a google reader follower too...

roseylittlethings said...

Love the project and LOVE LOVE LOVE the fabric! I am a follower!

PickingUpStitches said...

New follower here! Saw your tutorial on the Moda Bake Shop and had to come for the giveaway.

Kristi said...

I don't enter many contests, but I have to at least try for this one! How great!

Kristi said...

Just signed up as a follower (officially) even though I already follow you on Netvibes.

Danielle said...

I have always wanted a taggie type blanket for my babies. Looks so easy I might just have to make one for the new one on the way! Thanks for the tutorial!

I am also now a follower!

Alana said...

I just saw you over on Moda Bake shop! What a great tutorial for the blankie and block. I shall be making one soon! I would like to enter your give away and I also signed up to follow your blog. Thanks for the inspiration!

sweetbabies00 said...

What a cute tutorial! I have seen these and thought they were cute. I have 5 babies and 2 grandbabies and they all missed these. I'll have to make one for a friend.
Best wishes with your new little one.

Wendy said...

This is a great giveaway and I really want to win!
1.) I have left a comment

2) I am now a follower of your blog

3) I have posted about this on my blog.

I have spent the last hour looking through your blog and have enjoyed myself so very much. Great eye candy.

CJ said...

Your MBS project is great! I know lots of gals having babies in the spring so I should get busy. Thanks for the chance at a giveaway.

Camille {Sugar Baby Boutique} said...

oooh I love the fabric and your blog!

Jeanne said...

I like the blanket and the fabric choices...especially the boy fabric. Those are hard to come by

Camille {Sugar Baby Boutique} said...

I'm a follower! camillesmartt@hotmail.com

Michelle said...

Hi- I'm new reader here and new to blogging in general. Just started my own first blog site and have been thinking about writing a piece on great give aways that are out there and will definitly include yours if I do. Check out hopscotchafternoon.blogspot in a day or two to see if I follow through.

Love the crafting tips, thanks!

Lara said...

Love your tutorial on MBS!! I'm going to make one for my wee man and a few for the pressie cupboard! It's a great idea!! Thank you!

Amber said...

I love this fabric! I am headed over to check out your tutorial. The little blanket is so cute and it would make such a great gift. I'm always looking for fun little gift ideas with TONS of my friends having babies!

the perpetual optimist said...

The blanket and block are great! So cute! Thanks for the tutorial and giveaway!

Ruth said...

I loved the tutorial! To all of you, I have seen the block in person and it is so cute. I can just see a sweet little one playing with it. I love the tassel too, and I think it is great that there are two fantastic giveaways together!

Beth at Aunties said...

These are so sweet! I am sewing up a storm for new little ones and LOVE everything you make!
We have number 12 coming in February. Yes, our newlyweds are finally living together in the same home in the same state:) And are becoming parents and we will soon find out which flavor we get to love. These are too cute!
I would love to win!!!!
I will also blog about this one for you!
Good luck with your wee little guy!
How much longer?

Hugs, my northern friend!

steffany said...

So very sweet, I have been a follower for a while, I love your ideas.

CJ said...

I am a follower now!

Kari said...

I was on my way to Joann's to pick up fabric to make two of these for friends that just had babies. Glad I waited. I hope I win. This fabric is so cute!!

Sue Cahill said...

I'm so glad I just found you, I checked out the tutorial and it was very clear...great job!!

I would love to be entered for such a generous giveaway.

Sue Cahill (sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)

Sue Cahill said...

I am a follower!! Looking forward to all that is to come.

Sue Cahill (sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)

Kelsey said...

Follower. ;)

Kelsey said...

Cute blog!!
-Kelsey Kim

Courtepointe said...

I love the ribbon block, and would love to win these charm packs. Thanks for the giveaway!

Courtepointe said...

I'm now a follower!

Van Cott Family said...

I am currently in the middle of making a fabric letter from your tutorial. Thanks! And love the block!

Kari said...

I am now a follower of your blog. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

I found you via your great tutorial for the block and ribbon blanket on MBS. Cute blog and I added you to my google reader :)

Kristi said...

Great project--I especially love the block. What a perfect baby gift!

Amanda said...

Super cute blankie and block set. Hope I win:)

Life's a Joy said...

this is the project i needed to make. thankyou. I am going to make a set for our church auction. thankyou so much!!

Amy said...

I REALLY hope I win this one!! These are two of my favorite fabrics!

I am a subscriber!

I blogged about the giveaway.

Nova said...

The little fish (Oddysea) would be great for a boy!

Anne said...

This would be great for my new baby girl and my SIL's new baby boy!

Sarah - Red Gingham said...

Thank you for the most perfect baby gift! I've been going crazy looking for the perfect gift. This is very well timed. I'll be popping you on my list for sure and adding you to my reader. Ticks all round please!

Sandi said...

Great tutorial.

Wendy P said...

I'm new to following your blog, thanks to the Moda Bakeshop!

That block and blanket tutorial is great! Perfect for my 6 month old grandson! As are the MOMO fabrics, hint hint.

A friend is awaiting the arrival of a new granddaughter in January and she just adores the Hushabye line.

Pick me so I can make gifts of your giveaway!!

Anonymous said...

so glad i'm a follower! love the color schemes of both. thanks for sharing the tutorials!

Gayle said...

I've been a follower for quite awhile. You always have the BEST giveaways! Please enter me.

sooze52 said...

I found you on MBS also! I saw the Hushabye collection at my local Bernina Dealer and have fallen in love with it, beautiful! I have two granddaughters who loved ribbons and labels when they were little so I know it's a winner idea, I love the ribbon block and little quilt, thanks!

Dandelion Quilts said...

I loved that tutorial...many thanks. Oh...and I'd love those charms, for sure!

Hope said...

I just saw your tutorial on MBS and popped in for a look. I'm now a follower! Thanks for the tutorial :)

Brynn said...

So cute! I just added you to my Google Reader :)

Potpourri said...

great idea for a baby quilt and block. thanks much

bruinbr said...

Wonderful tutorial! Thanks for the giveaway! I can't wait to make this!

Season of Life said...

Just visited your blog and love the blanket and block. We are expecting our 7th blessing any day and thought our little Elizabeth Hope would love this sweet set, so I am entering. :-) Very creatively, simple.

Nice blog site...will revisit soon.

Blessings ~ Jarnette (USA)

Di~ said...

this is a fun giveaway! I've been watching for Hushabye to appear in the stores! Love your project and blog. Thanks!

Di~ said...

I'm a follower now! Thanks Again. Here's hoping to win from Idaho.

Jodie said...

I love what you made for Moda Bake Shop! I definitely want to make it for all the babies my friends are having.

I became a follower!

Katie said...

so cute! I love the ribbons! what a great way to use up ribbon ends!

Colleen said...

Great tutorial on ModaBakeShop! This blanket and block aren't just for babies. I have seen some special education teachers use something similar in their classrooms.

Sarah or Semmy said...

New girl due Sept in my family and she shows no sign of wanting to get into this world in a hurry. This would be precious for her.

Colleen said...

I now follow your blog!

Renee G said...

Oh - these are fantastic items.

None None said...

Lovely!! I just found your blog through MBS and am so glad I came by. Your blog looks fabulous and I can't wait to see more of your work! Thanks for the great tutorial. I just added you to my Google Reader so I will be following you.

ashley said...

I love this project and the way you explained it! Thank you for the inspiration... I have my 2nd little girl due in October and need to get busy on these darling gifts.

Amber M. said...

LOVE that taggy block! I'll be trying this one out, Nicole.

Jen said...

Love the blanket and block tutorial! These are perfect baby shower gifts!

Kristin Wood said...

Adorable! My niece needs that cute little stuffed block :)

I blogged about this at http://www.whatthestitch.wordpress.com

and...I'm following you. I can't believe it took me this long to find your blog, but it's adorable!

Jennifer said...

new reader= popped over from moda. i would love to win this!

sallgood said...

Hi! I'm a grandma who loves to make things, so this would be a wonderful win!! Thanks for sharing!

Katie said...

I'm also a new reader, what a wonderful giveaway, such gorgeous fabrics and a truly beautiful blanket.

Lance and Nikki said...

Love the cute fabric!

Christianne said...

Love the fabric. I want I want. Pleeease

Anonymous said...

What an awesome giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win. Crossing my fingers!!

Jen said...

Great giveaway...the winner will be very lucky.

Anonymous said...

I am already a follower of your awesome blog! :)

Jen said...

I am a new follower of your blog...

Annie Lee said...

beautiful fabric! thanks for this great giveaway.

Annie Lee said...

i am a follower

Just Lisa said...

My baby boy would love this!

Jacob said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Laura said...

Aaargh! Left a post earlier under the wrong address. (Laura: Found my way here from Moda Bakeshop.) Anyway, there's a post on my blog now! Keeping my fingers crossed.

Kirsten said...

Love the tutorial, and adore hushabye!!!!

Stacy said...

That is so cute. I love it. I have made the tag blanket before but never a block. I think it might be genius.

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