Tuesday, August 5, 2008

{The Living Room/Family Room}

Here is our living room, that gets used as a family room. It's right off of the kitchen and dining room so it's pretty much where we hang out. These are my mistreated windows. I used the same knobs to hang them as I did the picture frames in the dining room. Someday I would love to put some pretty moulding over our otherwise boring mantle.

Here is our armoire that we bought from Target. It works perfect to hold our TV and DVDs.

I know, your so jealous of our beautiful plaid couch. Seriously people, what on earth was I thinking when I picked out a plaid couch. It is comfy though, I'll give it that much. Plus it hides punch spills pretty well.
Most of this stuff is from one of my favorite stores called Rod Works. It seems to be getting more pricey though.
This is also from rod works. I need to get a bigger one, since we have three children now.

I know you all want this lovely chandelier too. It's probably my most unfavorite thing in our home.

The lovely couch again, and out very first family picture that I've liked enough to frame and hang up.
My sister made this cute plaque for me for Christmas. It's the 9 bees from Pres. Gordon B. Hinckley.
Ok, this Lazy Boy isn't very attractive, but I love it. It has been so nice to rock my babies in.
Ok, there ya have it. Tomorrow I'll show pictures of the bedrooms. I'm telling ya though, they need some work. Think of them as before pictures, and maybe someday I'll have some after pictures.


Carry Grace said...

Your family room is lovely! I really do love your picture frames! I am a picture frame addict! You also did a fab job on the window mistreatments!

cherry said...

Love everything...that plaque your sister did is sooo sweet. Your window treatments are beautiful.

Nicol said...

It looks great! Very warm and inviting! I really like your Be sign. Did she do it with stickers or with paint?

Elise said...

What a great room!! And OMGosh-I love your kitchen and now I remember where I saw the rolling pin over the oven. So gonna rip off that idea, too!! Mine is just rolling around in one of my bottom cabinets.

Julie said...

Hey I was thinking the same thing about my couch the other day. What was I thinking must have been the same thing your were because we have the same couch:) It hides dog hair also!!!I love your picture frames! I'm also a picture frame addict;)

Scrapper Mom said...

Your house looks so warm and inviting. My brother and sis in law had that same couch, but they got a new one about a year ago.

I love all the pic frames especially the ones hanging from the rod!! I need to keep some of these posts in mind so I can come back and steal your ideas!

Melanie said...

I just came across your blog, and it is already a favorite! Your home is beautiful!

sassy seamstress said...

love the knobs again.
you know, you could hang a third picture down a little lower and in between your other two children. i'm sure you can find a way to tie the ribbon so that it would hang evenly. we don't have a "rod works". i bet i'd love it, though.

Pam said...

I love your home. Your cabinets are gorgeous. I also have a plaid couch. I looked for that thing for 2 years and now I can't wait until we can afford to replace it.
Looking forward to more of your home.

The Beauty Bargainista said...

L.O.L!!! I have that SAME chandelier!! I acutally painted mine black where all the gold is because its soooooooooo ugly! I can afford a new one yet, so that has to do! hehe But its so good to know Im not the only one that got stuck with hideous builders brass! :) The rest of the room is beautiful, I just love the window treatments! :)

Jessica said...

Also have the same chandelier that is gross, and a couch/loveseat set that is plaid that I think I am about to sell. (if that makes you feel better!) I love your blog, it is really helping me get some ideas of what I want to do in my house. Thanks so much for posting all of the pics.

Anonymous said...

Lot's of great little touches...I love the BE plaque....

Gettysburg Homestead said...

Everything looks great! I have a plaid couch and love it too because it is so comfy. I have plenty of light fixtures I don't like either, and I don't even have a light fixture above my dining room table. So any is better than none. LOL


Marie said...

You have a beautiful home! I love the plaque your sister madeyou. Cute!

Melody said...

I think it looks great.

Funny enough, we used to have a plaid couch and a lazy boy rocker that matched.

Your window treatments are really beautiful.

Have you considered taking your chandelier down and just spray painting it black?

Something Nice and Pretty said...

I think everything looks comfy and cozy and that's what it's all about! You have achieved that...love the picture frames and the plaque.

Kristi said...

You know, the first couch we purchased was PLAID - with burgandy, green and navy blue. It was very mid 1990's... At least you weren't the only purchaser of plaid sofas... I love the "be" plaque! Girl, it would be easy to change that light in your foyer! You are handy enough to do it!

Shannon said...

I love all the cute little touches! Love the wreath, pictures, mistreatments...all of it!

Trixi said...

It's a great living room. I don't think the mantel is boring at all, remember mine.LOL Anyway, your pictures are priceless.
Have a great day!!

Rae said...

I think everyone either has or has had a plaid couch! In fact my plaid couch taught me the priceless lesson of buying large pieces that are classic and neutral and punch them up with accessories that reflect the current trend. Can't wait to see more of your tour!

Lisa Cobler said...

What a cozy room. I love the picture frames. We all have the "what was I thinking" moments when it comes to furniture.

Megan @ Megity's Handmade said...

How could you not love that light fixture?? Brass and dated shape and all.

joelandbecca said...

In the process of trying to sale our hunter green couch. Ready to be gone, but sad because I have so many memories attached to it. I love Rod Works. I miss that store (can't find anything like it in Texas) Love the BE plaque. And your cabinents are awesome!

Felicia said...

Boy, I wish my most unfavorite thing about my house was *just* a chandelier!!! I have 70's orange countertops that I absolutely hate.

Your house is beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing. I especially love the remodel job in your kitchen, and the knobs that you've used to hang everything with!

I'll have to try rod works some time...after tax returns :o)

Michelle said...

I love your family room...love the way your kitchen cabinets turned out too...

WheresMyAngels said...

I love it, you got my favortie green color and black. Now no comment on the chandelier and couch!! lol No they aren't so bad.

Jeni said...

I love the black that you use. Those are the prettiest flowers on top of your TV. Love that Be plaque too.

Erika said...

Hey, I really think your house looks great! And I totally understand what you mean about that chandelier, I have the same one!

Rue said...

Hi Nicole :)

You shouldn't be so hard on your home. I really like it! It's cozy, comfy and so sweet. Your kitchen is great too! You can feel the love :)

I'm enjoying this tour very much :)


sweet momma luv u said...

Love your family room! I think the Rod Work hanger is really cool.
Do they have an online store?


Connie said...

Good minds think alike ... I have the same sofa!

Becky said...

Your cozy nest looks so cozy! I love your mistreatments and love, love, love the rod with the frames. Thanks for sharing!

Sherri said...

What are the dimensions of your "Be" plaque? I am seeing a great Christmas idea in that!!!

Our Complete Family said...

Love it, Love it, Love it! O.K., so when you showed your dining room I said I wanted to come have a meal there, now that I see the living room I want to sit on your comfy couch and visit after that meal!!! What a lovely home you have made. The fam pic is a GREAT one, too! How sweet! xo Les

Rachel Berry said...

I think it looks great! Your too hard on yourself as I think we all are at times. I still am in love with your picture frames. You do such a great job!
