Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Thank you Ashley!!!

Dear Ashely Furniture,

We can be friends again. I do recommend though that in the future you don't sell couches that cannot get water on them, especially if the family has 4 children (3 of which are crazy boys).
Thank you for picking up the couches that were slowly driving me insane and dropping off these lovely water tolerant green ones.

My husband and children would like me to thank you also. Add to that list my mom, my friends, my visiting teachers and anyone that would listen to me complain, they all thank you. These new green micro fiber one's are the bestest. I don't even have to worry about my three year old (or me) falling asleep and slobbering on it, it's truly wonderful. Thank you a million times.

Your Friend,

PS Blogging Friends, crafty posts are coming, I promise!


  1. Love the new couch. Sometimes you need to be the squeaky wheel to get what you want ;0)

  2. My daughter has those microfiber couches and loves them. Almost indestructible. Mimi

  3. Very NICE! How long did that take to finally get what you wanted?

  4. Congrats!! Nothing better than new furniture.

  5. I have had those same couches for several years now and they withstand my four children eating, sleeping, and trampolining on them. I just use wet wipes to clean them when they get spilled on and they are like new again.

  6. We have those same exact couches. We have had ours for about 6 years now and they still hold up to whatever the kids do to it.

  7. I like it!

    I told my mom about what happened to you and she told me about her friend that bought some end tables there. The first time they went to dust them with furniture polish the finish came off. They are fighting with them right now because Ashley says that they should have know that you can't use furniture polish on them...hmmm.....

  8. Congratulations on your victory!

  9. I don't see a comment button on your Nienie post. I saw this on her blog. She truly is an amazing woman. I'm glad you posted it so more people can see it. I hope your Mother's Day was a happy one.

  10. beautiful children and nice blog..the couch is pretty where the family would sit and just talk about happy things, not about the auto insurance, the bills, or the house mortgage...i miss my family

  11. Looks comfy and low maintenence, that is what it is all about with the kiddos. Thanks for popping over and leaving your nice comment.

  12. It looks really comfy. Your visitors would love to sit on that couch.
    Modern home designs

  13. What a lovely couch. I'm Building a new home and I'm planning to buy a couch same as this one.
